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From: Debbie K.
Date: Friday, August 11, 2006, 2:16 PM
Subject: Sunbeams
Reply to: 256213
ID: 253793

Dear Christina,

Thank you for articulating EXACTLY what I was feeling when I read Bruce's "Sunbeams" and some of his previous offerings. I have a loving, supportive husband, an 18 year old son ,who has been brought up surrounded by strong, fierce women who he respects and honors, an 85 year old father who I love and respect, in addition to many other male friends and relations that I adore and hold in high esteem...but they have no place here in what I thought was Sacred Womenspace...why would they want to and more importantly, why SHOULD they participate in a forum called Gather the Women???

I participate in and help organize many local Women's Spiritual Retreats are not included...they are WOMEN'S gatherings...simple as that.

As I said, I had read Bruce's previous offerings and being new to the site, I was kind of seeing what it was all about and the direction that it might be going. Frankly, I was surprised that there were men voicing their opinions on a site that was clearly a place for Women to connect...what the hell????? But when I read the Sunbeams quotes I felt angry and insulted. I didn't find it funny or cute or inspiring, whatever his intention was. I became interested in this site because I wanted to connect with other Women...all ages, races, faiths, experiences, opinions, ideas, etc. WOMEN. The Mothers, Grandmothers, Sisters, Daughters , Aunts, Teachers, Healers, connect with The Sacred Feminine, The Goddess, The Earth Mother, The Mother Earth, The Female Power.

Thank you for speaking up, speaking out. Thank you for reminding me of the Lodges...I am blessed to have a circle of women that thankfully support the Women's Lodge ideology...we are of all ages, races and faiths...most of us have male partners, many of us have sons...and we are Fierce and Passionate and Powerful and the men in our lives honor us and we honor them. It isn't easy, it isn't always pretty, but it can't be any other way.

I can't wait to share your entries with my 14 year old feminist daughter (Iron-Jawed Angels , The March for Women's Lives in D.C., and the quote "Well-behaved women rarely make history."-Laurel Thatcher Ulrich, were some of her inspirations!).

I also declare this womenspace.


------ On 8/11/06, Christina Maris wrote ------

Eh... yeah. Okay, Bruce, let's take this line by line.

------ On 8/10/06, Bruce Schuman wrote ------

Men are stupid and women are crazy. And the reason women are so crazy is because men are so stupid.
- George Carlin


I disagree. Men are not stupid - men are in charge, which means they don't have to be smart, they just have to be on top.

And women let them get away with it, because we're afraid - of what, I've never understood, but that seems to be the case, because we're still putting up with this nonsense. That's what makes us crazy.


Whenever I date a guy, I think, Is this the man I want my children to spend their weekends with?
- Rita Rudner


Yeah, funny Rita. Not quite as amusing when you're getting stiffed for child support and alimony and your ex is stalking you. Get a job.


No matter how much cats fight, there always seem to be plenty of kittens.
- Abraham Lincoln


There will always be more kittens when the females of the species don't have control over their reproductive organs.


You know "that look" that women get when they want sex? Me neither.
- Steve Martin


Not so funny when you've got one of these Neanderthals coming over the sheets at you. Get a manual.


There is no limit to our capacity to love. We can never be satisfied by loving just one person here and another there. Our need is to love completely, universally, without any reservations -- in other words, to become love itself. It can take our breath away to glimpse the vastness of such love.
- Eknath Easwaran


Oh yes, it's all about LOVE, isn't it? Happy, fuzzy, dno't worry about anything, it'll all be all right, LOVE. Me? I'd rather have equal pay for equal work and free child care in an institution that doesn't abuse my kid all day long. Then we'll talk about love, a romantic concept devised about 100 years ago to keep women from complaining that they were being treated like domestic animals. Do your homework, do some feminist historical reading, and quit reading romance novels.


You say you have no faith? Love -- and faith will come. You say you are sad? Love -- and joy will come. You say you are alone? Love -- and you will break out of your solitude. You say you are in hell? Love and you will find yourself in heaven. Heaven is love.
- Carlo Caretto


Heaven is a sop to the oppressed. "Don't worry about the fact that you're getting screwed six ways and sideways by your society - God will make it all right after you die!" I'm sooooooooo sherrrrrrrrr!


From The Sun, August 2006, featuring the Sun Interview of Marion Woodman, "Men are from Earth, And So Are Women: On the Inner Marriage of the True Masculine and the True Feminine"


Bruce... it's not a joke when it's actually your life - something you will never understand, because it's not happening to you, and it never will. The reason most feminists have no "sense of humor" is that IT ISN'T FUNNY TO US and we're tired of being nice about it.

I don't know what you had in mind when you started posting here, on a women's site, but you're not helping - at least you're not helping me. I imagine that's what you meant to do, but MEANING WELL does not guarantee DOING WELL. The first takes only intention, and wind through the vocal chords; the second takes work, long, hard, work.

You want to be a good man? Then walk it, don't talk it - you're preaching to the converted here. Work on changing the way your brothers interact with women, and let the women keep their own counsel.

I'm sure I've offended this nice, soft man, and maybe some of my sisters on this site, by saying this. I don't care. I'm so tired of men poking their "well-intentioned" noses into women's business and trying to "help us" that I'm ready to burn something down. I'm tired of being polite and "politically correct" about it. BUTT OUT, BOYS - THE GIRLS ARE TALKING HERE. If we could get some peace and quiet for a minute or two, we might be able to figure out a way to fix the mess you've made.

I declare this womanspace.

Christina / Quanah'che Mawokee


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