Gather the Women Global Matrix From: Mary Billy
Date: Friday, August 11, 2006
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This message came from a friend to whom I'd sent Christina's first long post, and she wondered if I could post it here for your consideration. I am more than happy to do so, as I agree with almost everything in Christina's letter and many of the replies to it since. Mary

The subject is an interesting message indeed. Shoots all the Buddhist advice about balance to hell doesn't it. Well, that's a complex of male directed institutions too, no? Ah me! I really like (d) them. So, I would like to ask our researcher friend from ABQ, who is it who assures us that women hold the key to a more peaceful world? I think about that idea and ask myself what or where the lock is. The phrase makes it sound as if the door is locked and needs to be opened. As if we retarded females just don't know how to do that or won't, or just aren't awake enough yet, so it's our fault that there is no peace. Well, it is clear that she sees this as well as anybody. So how about if the lock is forever open and the key supposedly in our hands (placed there by whom?) is to close it? I'm assuming we all, every one of us, know where and what the lock is. The men certainly do, and they sure don't want it closed. Were womankind to attempt that on a large scale, there would be even more rapes and murders of women than already happen somewhere - everywhere - in the world every day. And so, what can we do that would really make for a more peaceful world? I wouldn't mind putting my life on the line for something that had a chance of success. Justice? Whether dreamed of by the stronger or or by the weaker, female or male, "Justice" is an intellectual human construct. It is not something that comes with the natural world, like sexuality and its differences for male and female. Can't pretend there are no such differences or that they do not make a difference We have to keep that essential truth forefornt in mind when, feet firmly planted on the ground as females, we consider equalility strategies on the social level. You want more children? Who wants more children? Does the world need more children? What for? Not enough out there already with no one to love them? Mary, there's no email address given for Christina Maris on the http/, just cma... Can you forward my comment to her please? And to anyone else you think may be interested. Thank you, Love, Anna