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From: Starr* S.
Date: Saturday, August 12, 2006, 12:08 AM
Subject: Fire Under The The Cauldron...Energy Builds
Reply to: 256224
ID: 253800

Greetings White Feather et al... from Starr*

White Feather writes: WE NEED TO BE ESPECIALLY VIGILANT REGARDING ANYTHING OR ANYONE WHO WOULD ATTEMPT TO DIVIDE, CONQUER, OR ALTER OUR COURSE. MANY AGENTS OF THE PATRIARCHY SEEK OUT SITES WHERE POTENTIAL FOR THREATENING CHANGE EXISTS. THE MISSION:CONFUSE AND WEAKEN EVERYONE'S RESOLVE AND RENDER THE GROUP IMPOTENT. This is not fear mongering. This is a reality that anyone who has been involved in the Peace, Environmental, Human Rights and Women's Movements over the past 40 years knows too well. Let it not happen here. May The Sacred Flame Move Through And Around Us Now As We Spiral Towards The Emergence Of A New World.

Starr*: It is true that movements have been and are being hijacked by those who call the shots. And it is true that this is a window of time where a collective group could develop an alternative reality to that of patriarchy being kept alive by the ruling elite.

Humanity had the time of the Goddesses (Matriarchy) prior to the Cycle of Patriarchy, and now it is time to build the Cycle of Balance where the male and female principles are honoured in each one of us. It isn't men per se that are blocking this achievement as much as patriarchy itself. I do think that it takes those who are more prone to intuition to get the alternative reality underway...and little by little others will be attracted. Women world-wide are beginning to develop, recognize their own empowerment, and leadership capabilities. I hope these abilities will lead to an alternative way of life that is uplifting for all humanity!

I don't think pandering to the paradigm of 'force' and what has been during the cycle of patriarchy has value for the future. I rather think magnetic attraction powered by the love vibration will produce an alternative civilization that will bring harmony and balance. It isn't easy for men or women to drop that controlling force we adopted during patriarchy. Patriarchy is experiencing its dying pangs and that is why we here have a window of opportunity to build the alternative.

May the Power of the Divine Feminine beat in each one of us as we go forward.

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