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From: Angelique L.
Date: Saturday, August 12, 2006, 4:32 PM
Subject: What is this group all about???.
Reply to: 256194
ID: 253815

Thanks for bringing this up, Mary Sarah. I really am more interested in action than talk. As a film producer I have been involved in many groups of women who enjoy theoretical chatter about the emerging feminine and rendering the patriarchy impotent. All from a source of good intention. Yes, about 5,000 years ago we evolved from a matriarchal culture that valued fertility and nurturance to a patriarchal one that values war and conquest. I'm 52 right now and don't have a lot of biological "time" left to do much more than agree that we have to change.

Here's what I am doing: I founded and finally received tax exempt status for a non-profit org I founded, Children's Health Initiative. Down here in Louisiana you still have to "trick" the power structure into supporting ideas they would look silly NOT supporting. My goal is to educate pregnant parents and parents/caregivers of children under 6 about health and wellbeing by using a family model. We don't even have a board seated yet, but it will be an all women board and all members will share a committment to "being the change we hope to see" in this community. We're starting with a "no brainer" project called Secondhand Smoke Parent Education Initiative. Yes, in other more progressive places of the country young parents probably already know that environmental tobacco smoke is dangerous for infants and young children. Not so here in lower socioeconomic groups, and that's just the way it is. So we are teaming up with Head Start to reach target parents (and we're going to try very, very hard to bring in the dads/male caregivers as well) and teach them about this. From there we'll continue moving on to other areas that are important too like emotional health and wellbeing; spiritual health and wellbeing; social health and wellbeing. But ya gotta start somewhere so we're starting with the obvious--physical health and wellbeing.

Who are we? We are here putting one foot in front of the other and using the finite time we have to do it to try to get back to a place where fertility and nurturance are revered in American culture.

Namaste. Angelique

------ On 8/10/06, Mary Sarah wrote ------

This message has been initiated by Whitefeather's last posting, but is something that I wanted to write to all here at Gather the Women for quite sometime.!!!!

Thank you for your transmissions! This is Mary Sarah, I am the new Regional Coordinator for Gather the Woman in New York City and New Jersey.

I too would like to invite our "cybercircle" and beyond to think about what aspects of bringing forward the feminine they resonate with, be it; working with youth, in environmental causes, etc. In all aspects we want to touch the many manifestations of structure, bringing feminine form and evolution to all places. Each woman here holds the key of how they interface with the process of our becoming. Our individuality will draw us to where the unfolding for our essence needs to be focused.

I would love it, if here, on the web circle, we could begin to speak out what we are "doing" and resonating with, as well as what we are drawn to do in vision.....which aspects of life call us to action.

I want to hear from all women. To begin to cultivate our knowing and the relationships that are waiting to be formed so that our collective comes more truly into focus.

Thank you all for your presence.

Much peace,


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