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From: Kay S.
Date: Sunday, August 13, 2006, 2:45 PM
Subject: The matter of secure postings, safety, privacy
ID: 253831

I do want to respond to the many postings I've read in the past several days regarding privacy, safety, security, whether men be allowed to post here.

I am so very new to this web site that I haven't yet explored it, including philosophy, mission, goals, etc. But I am NOT new to feminism, nor to the perils of patriarchal rule. I do think we need concern ourselves with our own safety and privacy.

And I do agree that we should have a web site for women exclusively, though I do not wish to exclude men from my life, my heart, my whole being.

But to be blunt, we women have some work to do. And to accomplish this work, even to articulate the task, we need to feel free to speak. Period. This means no men allowed, in my opinion.

After all, if we could speak freely in their presence, it would mean that patriarchal values no longer prevailed.

I asked permission for years. But no more.

Glad to contribute to this ongoing and vital discussion.


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