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From: Angelique L.
Date: Sunday, August 13, 2006, 3:36 PM
Subject: Who Is Controlling This Forum??? That Is The ?
Reply to: 256259
ID: 253832

White Feather, I totally agree that the internet and most recently, the outrageous collusion of internet providers with the government to agreeably turn over all files to Homeland Security and the FBI (well, never did trust AOL once it merged with Time/Warner conglomerate)is not the least bit safe. Recently I have begun to exhibit more paranoia than I have ever had in my adult life, and I think my instincts are right. We live in a dangerous world and everyday I feel more and more that things like equal opportunity for women is the least of our problems, and misogyny gone underground is a much bigger concern for me than issues I used to think were important. I think some of the things I've heard expressed here DO need to go underground as well, or at least fly below the radar--the best way to do that is to meet in person as much as possible. I'm happy to have found this site and will take your advice, White Feather, and check out the other branches of Interspirit initiative to get a better background. I think I will also be contacting you privately for a better discussion. I'm kind of relieved to find out that some of the fears I've had lately are not irrational, and I am really afraid of a lot of things that are going on in DC, I really am. Maybe "these are the best of times, these are the worst of times," eh? :-)

Namaste, Angelique

------ On 8/13/06, White Feather wrote ------

Dear Sisters,

In an earlier post, I had mentioned that when you read the opening introductions to GTW, you will find that it is one branch of the INTERSPIRIT initiative. Investigate the other branches and you will find the inherent problems clearly defined. That is why I suggested a poll that we could all participate in that could serve to either redefine and renew the site, or to create a new space.

Many members have been busy having private conversations with others for the entire duration of this period of confusion(several months). Too many feel "unsafe" here. Many have dropped out. Others belong to other organizations, but keep in touch with those they have found a deep connection with. Many things discussed would never be posted on this forum without radical changes in effect.

If we decide to open another space to gather, I would encourage you not to use anything except a "secure https" site!!! A member with whom I spoke yesterday, had wonderful suggestions. I will not post them here. Google is NOT SAFE!!!

In my last posting, I mentioned a particular challenge faced by all groups that pose a serious threat to the established order. We have spies monitoring all activist sites. They pose as members and sow discord and confusion in each targeted group. One member posted the terrifying threats she has endured since "speaking out" in her community. She took a great risk in declaring that openly. WE MUST HONOR HER AND MANY OTHERS LIKE HER AND LISTEN!!!WE MUST NOT BE NAIVE!!!

The political climate has become increasingly defensive and offensive. We cannot place ourselves in harm's way. I would like to be more specific, but I cannot. We can form a chain from one trusted member to another and pass vital information along that link until we have a secure alternative.

White Feather


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