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From: Laura H.
Date: Sunday, August 13, 2006, 7:12 PM
Subject: Who Is Controlling This Forum??? That Is The ?
Reply to: 256262
ID: 253833

I think I lost my previous posting, in which I was going on and on about my dismay at the tone of this forum. Perhaps it was a message from the spirit world -- not to get on my soap box.

Let it suffice to say that I am not interested in this forum at all anymore.

I love America. I thank God every single day that my ancestors came here from various poor countries, and that they loved Jesus and struggled to build up this great nation under God. I thank God every day that I can walk about with my hair shining in the sun and don't have to shroud my lovely body under a dark cloak, that I am treated with the same rights as any man by law and can freely engage in relationships with any individual, any group, any political cause I choose. I am free to engage in business, earn as much money as I am willing to work for.

I love this country and I love the purity of the true heart of Christianity, and I love the Judaic tradition on which Christianity arose.

Only when we as a human race learn to forgive our enemies, to turn away from revenge and violent reprisals (no matter how "just"), only then will there be world peace. This was the essence of the message of Jesus Christ. Just this: Forgive your enemies. Pray for those who persecute you. Do not return evil with evil.

Women can be just as evil, vicious and cold as men. We are all less than perfect, women and men, and the truth is that we can never change others unless and until we change our own hearts and the way we treat others.

I do wish you all well. I had much higher hopes for this group when I first joined, though. I know it can be better and perhaps I will decide to rejoin someday. Until then, I'm interested in going where there is freshness and goodness, not the ugliness of accusation, fear and self-centered rage.


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