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From: Nadine M.
Date: Sunday, August 13, 2006, 8:01 PM
Subject: Who Is Controlling This Forum??? That Is The ?
Reply to: 256262
ID: 253835

I am increasingly confused - I thought Gather the Women had to do with Jean Shinoda Bolen and the millionth circle concept - I thought there were congresses and steering commitees. I thought there was just a congress held in Victoria about a month ago. Isn't that who is leading this forum?

when is the last time someone from the leadership of GTW posted something here? have they all abandoned the lists?

I belong to lots of yahoo groups and at least when you join those you can easilly read the archived messages - I still haven't figured out how to do that here - but that is a clear way to get a sense of the real history of a list

I personally don't have a problem with others signing on and reading what I write - if I don't want it read then it shouldn't get posted - right?

to me - secrecy is something that happens in dysfunctional families who don;t want the truth to get said out loud

maybe if we could focus on some positive and hopeful things that each of us are doing in our own small ways and share those with eachother it might help us feel stronger and sustained in our efforts to make a difference in our own families, communities and neighborhoods and let the beauty of those acts radiate out from circle to circle - I thought that was part of what the millionth circle concept was

so - if anyone is interested I could share some stuff I have been working on - and I would love to hear what others are doing in their circles or spheres of influence and impact - I made the comment once before that judging only by the membership lists, there are some amazing women on this list who seem to be doing lots of good work in the world - I don't know if they read the list at all anymore or if they signed on but never really participate

if there is an actual leadership or steering committee or committee-s it would be a really good thing if they could speak up soon

thanks nadine

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