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From: Mary B.
Date: Sunday, August 13, 2006, 10:59 PM
Subject: Who Is Controlling This Forum??? That Is The ?
Reply to: 256265
ID: 253837

I would like to ask all those who have been part of this site to hold firm. Not to begin to find fault one with the another, and find reasons for scattering in all directions. We have just had a discussion about the difference between balance and centredness. And I realized how much being centred has to do with groundedness, owning the ground on which one stands, firm in our committment to the Earth, as we place our feet firmly thereon.

When we value the Earth, and our connectedness to it, it gives us strength to hold firm when things get upset and/or windy. So again, I ask you all to hold firm while we sort out a few incongruencies, a few differences of opinion, and a few questions about what kind of a group we are, what we represent, what our purpose is; what our intentions are.

Where are we going? Who are we choosing to go there with? How many of us agree on the purpose and destination of the journey, and the safest, gentlest way to get there? Let us not turn our friends into enemies so quickly.

Do we, like so many others, believe that if you are not for us you are against us? Surely not. There are ways we can all work towards peaceful resolutions to almost every problem known to humanity if that is our intention, and we slow down, take a deep breath and talk to each other. And let us do it right up front and in pubic on this site, not start secret sites, where only a few are eligible to take part. Fear is the biggest divider, and those who are easily conquered are so often first made afraid.

I urge you to stick together and continue on, to let the arguments take place, allow the differences to sit on our screens and read and re-read them and ask a few extra questions to see if there is some way through the maze that will allow us to work together. To get there together. Let's not complicate things when they are not complicated. Anger is good and is a great catalyst, and I have enjoyed the enthusiasm and bluntness of Christiana, and the wisdom and helpfulness of White Feather.

I agree that there has not been much from those in the leadership of GTW. I would like to know much more about the Victoria Peace Congress. Other than one friend in Victoria telling me she felt it had been one of the most spiritual experiences of her long life, I have not heard much more.

And I eagerly await what will come out of the other five Congresses on the other five continents as they happen. Please "don't push the river, just let it flow." Trust yourself, and trust the universe. And hang on.

In loving Sisterhood, Mary

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