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From: Chrissy J.
Date: Monday, August 14, 2006, 5:30 AM
Subject: State of confusion? Woman versus man?
ID: 253839

I've been reading some of the posts about men. I feel a great contension arising in some voices, about where men belong in this group. I believe Bruce has a great deal to offer, he knows where he is.

If a women is comfortable about who she is, she would not have the need to man bash.

This group lays claim to wanting to change the world, and live in peace with ALL things. I don't think the founders of this board intended to exclude men from the ALL aspects of life, and this journey we women are on at the moment. We claim to know Spiritual Peace and Truth on this board, but your flipping the coin. Flipping the coin, and becoming those things, what you despise in man.

Its not about power control, or whos who, and who's better. Its about learning a different way of thinking and gathering the womens hearts. Those who have a vision, and know deep in their soul the world can be changed by the womens heart. Working together as a team, not a hiearchy.

The women is a communicable being by nature, and a nurturer. To not nurture and communicate with the male nature, is a denial of yourself. Because you also have a male aspect connected to your soul.

I really don't believe this board should be opened to all men. But I do believe Bruce is here for a reason. I believe the founders of this board allowed Bruce on board, because he does have a lot to offer. And he may be in touch with himself, and Mother earth, more than the females here that are bashing him.

Its not about control!! Its about coming together as ONE for the betterment of ALL things.

I also have a womens group. Hearts of Fire. We are helping the indigenous tribes in North and South Dakota, get winter fuel. Thanks to the women on this board, and especially Mary Sarah, I wouldn't be as far with this program, as I am.

We had to have a man come into our group for legal purposes. He has a BIA card. Bureau of Indian Affairs. The women of our group think so highly of him, they voted him in as Assistant Director. He believes that women are the heart of the nation. He was brought up as a traditional Lakota Sioux. The traditionals respect the female greatly, and believe the women is the mother of the tribe. The grandmothers counsel is the only one who can remove the Chief from position. During all matters of war in the past, the tribe did not move until speaking to the grandmothers.

It is a whole different way of thinking. A Matriarch society. A society that is ran by the heart of the mothers. They did not deny the mans voice to be heard. Actually the man was the voice, the women whispered in his ear, and told him which way to move and the secrets of the universe. ALL have a part to play.

So if you think starting womens groups, and not having a voice of the male aspect what-so-ever, is the answer. I feel you are wrong. Its about ying and yang, working in harmony together. You can not have a body, with only legs or only eyes. The body must have different parts in order for it to function right. Choosing to dismiss any one part of the body, allows it to be deformed. The man's essense only inhances the females instict and adds structure to the body.

Yes, womens groups are much needed. But don't deny the good things the male has to offer, you are shutting the door to unity.

PEACE, Ride with the Wind of the Spirit in Truth and Love....Chrissy New Song

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