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From: Karen T.
Date: Monday, August 14, 2006, 11:39 AM
Subject: Sacred Feminine Scholar Joins the Circle
ID: 253853

Greetings Ladies,

I'm so excited to have found this group! And I look forward to meeting such dedicated women doing their work in the world. Myself, my mission has been raising awareness of the Sacred Feminine in the mainstream world. I give lectures and slide shows showing how important Goddess has been on the world stage in the past and present, as well as how embracing ideals we identify as "female or feminine" might help change the world. Gather the Women is a perfect example of these ideals in action.

I'm an independent scholar of the Sacred Feminine, published author and have previously been a sacred tour organizer. I've recently written, Sacred Places of Goddess: 108 Destinations and I'm available for lectures and slide presentations. Please see my website if I can be of any help to you or your salon of women --

I'm available to answer any questions and I'm interested in learning how I might be of help to our mutual cause....


Rev. Karen Tate

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