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From: Colline C.
Date: Monday, August 14, 2006, 4:11 PM
Subject: A Women's Song
Reply to: 256287
ID: 253855

Hello to all my Sisters

i wrote this out once before and somehow the post didn't get to where it was supposed to be.

Anyway, I'm a 58 yr old grandmother. I don't have a computer of my own, let alone a space to call mine but hopefully that will change for the 1st of September.

I found the "Mother" about 12 years ago and she brought much needed peace into my life, and through her I have been able to accept "Mary" for who she represents. Through Mary, and Buddha, I have been able to accept that Jesus was a good man. Oh, and I have learned in the last year that Angels existed long before Christianity.

Let me say that I am a white woman......but my first husband was a Canadian Indian, whose father was a genuine Medicine Man.....I learned a lot from him......

I have been on a long road leading to enlightenment. I have also learned about the importance of "Balance".

I have always been more "Indian" than white. I believe in another life I was an Indian. Now I am learning about so much through other women.

I came to this site and after reading the offerings of so many wonderful women here; I was in awe, I am in awe, and I want you all to know that you are very important to someone like me..... I pass on readings to the female members of my family, helping to strengthen and empower them, build their self-asteem, as well as educating and changing their past belief systems.

Whatever happens.....don't leave me out in the cold.....I spent most of my life there already, and the time I have left is precious to me.

With Her Guidance Colline

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