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From: Chrissy J.
Date: Monday, August 14, 2006, 6:50 PM
Subject: WE ARE THE KIVA!!!
Reply to: 256289
ID: 253857

Women do not participate in the sweat during menostration, because they hold great power during this time. They can not even be around a medicine man, who is practicing because of it. Originally women did not even participate in the sweat lodge ceremony. The sweat lodge represents the womb of the women. The water represents the water of birth, the fire the soul or life itself, the rocks the earth.

We are the womb of the earth. Everything the man does in ceremony represents the sacrifice of the women. Women do not pierce, because they give the ultimate sacrifice, birth itself.

Native men did not keep women from these ceremonies. The ceremonies represent the women herself. We are the caregivers and the overseers of ALL of creation. The Creator looks upon us with favor.

I can not say this enough. We all are pieces to to this Great puzzle called life. If a few pieces are missing, the puzzle will not be completed. ALL things have their place. Search out your own indvidual place, and try not to follow anothers. In following, visions for your life, may be lost forever.

Sing your own Song within your own heart. This is where you belong.

PEACE, Ride with the Wind of the Spirit in Truth and Love...Chrissy New Song

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