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From: Chrissy J.
Date: Monday, August 14, 2006, 7:19 PM
Subject: Take the cotton from your ears and stick it in you
ID: 253858

I just started following these messages yesterday. As far as I can tell, this just started. I've only been posting her myself for a couple of months. I haven't heard any complaints about Bruce in that time. As far as I can tell, this just started with a few new girls on the message board.

Why are the people who have been here for a while allowing this to be? That is my question. Its not Bruce who has caused contention, everything has been fine.

Everything that you are speaking, is the things that the same women speak of not liking about men.

I am a 40 year old mother, of 4 girls. I know when contempt and anger starts arising, and who usually starts it. Its the ones who are self absorbed and want to be the center of attention.

The sound of imaturity is resounding in my ears. This contention needs to stop. Bruce was here long before any of us. What is it any of our business to question the persons who had set up this board? This whole thing is rediculous. The imaturity level that has been arising needs to stop. We are women of many different array's of growth and learned experience. We do not need to be listening to children causing trouble.

Those who feel uncomfortable here, just leave. If you are man bashers, take it to a man bashing board. This forum is about unity and peace. This is what the womens heart is suppose to be about.

If you can not find exceptance of others, you'll never find it with in yourself. The elders often say, take the cotton out of your ears and stick it in your mouth. Then maybe your learning will began. Sit quite, and listen to the words of wisdom that are being laid out before you, by these wonderful women. Women who have traveled the globe, in helping humanity, and changing the world. Women of experience, not just words. Women who have action, not just sitting home on a computer making complaints about a fantastic Matrix.

These are the women I am seeking to listen to. These are the women that inspire the beat of my heart. These are the women who cause a vision to grow and spring up, like the fruits of ALL the Lands.

Listen my sweet girls, grow and become women, with a heart of exceptance. Except the way this board has been set up, and quit questioning it. It works just fine for many. Don't try and fix, what is not broken.

PEACE, Ride with the Wind of the Spirit in Truth and Love...Chrissy New Song

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