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From: White F.
Date: Monday, August 14, 2006, 7:22 PM
Subject: WE ARE THE KIVA!!!
Reply to: 256290
ID: 253860

Dear Chrissy, 

I agree with your comment that "everything a man does in ceremony 
represents the sacrifice of the woman". As I stated, men have their 
ceremonies and women are what they celebrate.

I am familiar with a "medicine man's" taboo regarding the avoidance 
of menstruating women. Truly, what magic could compete with the 
natural, life giving and healing power of the women's body and it's 
cycles of mystery and wonder? 

Female shamans have a different view of the matter, however.

Women hold great power at all times.

We do not follow. We lead...both individually and collectively. And 
the path we follow is within us. It has always been. It will forever 
be so.

To miss the opportunity to realize this is self betrayal. To deny the 
world the truth about woman, is to betray our earth. This is all part 
of the emerging new paradigm. It is part of restoring balance.

White Feather
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