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From: Jeanie D.
Date: Tuesday, August 15, 2006, 4:41 PM
Subject: Love, trust and the free flow of information
ID: 253889

Dear Nadine and everyone showing up and listening here,

I appreciate your feedback, and will try to bring you information about GTW in regular emails from now on.

For now let me assure you that GTW is vital and alive, and reaching into this online dimension for its next steps here. We do send out a monthly Newsletter that has information about our on-the-ground activities, and we do try to feature on GTW’s homepage, what is up and current. If you’re not receiving the Newsletter, you may want to change your “preferences” to receive the Newsletter. If that’s difficult, please respond to me directly, and I’ll make sure that your preference is set correctly.

Clearly, I must also respond to what White Feather is expressing. I feel as you do, Nadine, that the message you received, White Feather, must have originated through your server (the company with which you initiated your email name). In the 4 years that this forum has been up and running, there has never been another complaint like this.

More importantly, this forum is held within a framework of deep intentionality to reflect the resonance that we feel is part of GTW gatherings when they occur on-the-ground, to build the trust between women necessary to these times.

What does this intentionality, this resonance offer?

We believe it holds the power to ensure that this IS sacred space. And it is we together who make it that way. When we show up, as big as we can, to hold ALL the voices, we serve ourselves and the world. It is only in wholeness, everyone included, that we can bring about change. The minute we “fight” some part of ourselves, the moment we generate vibrations of conflict, we add to the strife of the current world.

NOW is really the time to know that we are One body of humanity… everyone, no matter what they look like, how they act, what they say. And Gather the Women is dedicated to this inclusivity, to the wholeness of the human family, no matter how its members “act up”.

Please, my sisters, hold the love space that is you, fill this forum with that love, and let everyone be welcome here. Let everyone feel the safety of that love. Let only love prevail.

Namaste all,

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