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From: White F.
Date: Tuesday, August 15, 2006, 5:04 PM
Subject: Love, trust and the free flow of information
Reply to: 256325
ID: 253890

Love and trust and the "free flow of information" are why we need a 
secure forum.

I have a high security provider. In addition, as I do much image 
processing on my computer, I have the highest possible security 
settings both in my system and in the provider's . Nothing I have not 
personally entered as "accepted addresses", can email anything to me. 
I never receive spam. I have additional security features added 
because my computer is an artist's working computer.

I do not list my email on my profile. However, as you all know, when 
an email goes out from the posting on forum site, we all see 
everyone's addresses. I see mine, and so do others who belong to the 
forum, with whom I am in regular contact.

Perhaps this aspect should change. We can reply privately through the 
site, rather than clicking on to the email address that comes with 
each email. This would certainly help increase security. It is far 
from failsafe...but it is better than the current process.

I do not appologize for raising an alarm. If anyone wants me to 
forward a copy of this email, just ask. When you read it, it is 
clearly related to my last 2 postings.

White Feather
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