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From: Jean M.
Date: Wednesday, August 16, 2006, 1:20 PM
Subject: WE ARE THE KIVA!!!
Reply to: 256289
ID: 253922

White Feather! every time that I read something written by you, I 
find myself cheering! I am so grateful for your Beautiful Wisdom and 
Graceful eloquance! I am so grateful that you are taking the time to 
communicate to the women within this forum. I hope that your words 
have the impact on each heart, as it has on mine. Like pure Spring 
Water for my thirsty soul.
your friend and sister,
jean molina

------ On 8/14/06, White Feather wrote ------

We are indeed the KIVA. The Kiva is woman, the womb, the darkness 
from which we emerge renewed, a portal to a new world. 

Men have their ceremonies. "Women are what they celebrate"! 

We do this, each in our own way. I have heard that in the Native 
American Sundance, women were never expected to pierce their bodies 
and dance the prayers of the people, as they sacrificed each day, as vessels of life.

Women are not excluded from a sweatlodge during her menstrual cycle 
because she is in some way "contaminated", but because the whole 
ceremony of cleansing is already ocurring within her.

There is a need for women to celebrate their own mysteries in the 
company of women. 

These celebrations reconnect us with the joy of being in a female 
body. This is far more important than most will admit. We have been 
socialized to distrust and even despise these sacred vessels. 
Reclaming our full body connection and the accompanying sensual 
aliveness, is the beginning of healing Gaia. 

Our bodies are not separate from hers. As we embrace our physical, 
emotional, psychological and spiritual wholeness we are more 
effective in navigating the challenging seas of transformation in the 
world. The goddess is immanent. She is grounded and rooted deep in 
these bodies...deep in our beloved Gaia.


Let us not continue eating from the divisive tree of false knowledge. 
We know where that has got us, and I do not invest in the "collective 
aggreement" that is destroying us. Why accept a cerebral experience 
that distances us from the paradise within, when we are here, 
embodied , awaiting full remembering? Our bodies are sheaths of 
bliss...conduits of joy...passion... and the water of life.



I will close with these words from Clarissa Pinkola- Estes from her 
monumental work, "Women Who Run With The Wolves";


To turn the other cheek, to remain silent in the face of injustice or 
mistreatment, has to be weighed very carefully. It is one thing to 
use passive resistance as a political tool...but it is quite another 
matter when women are forced to be silent in order to survive an 
impossible situation of corrupt or unjust power in the family, 
community, or world. Then women are AMPUTATED FROM THE WILD NATURE... 
their silence is not serenity but an enormous defense against 
being harmed...
There are times when it is becomes imperative to release a rage that 
shakes the skies. There is a time to let loose all the fire power one 
is time.            -C.P.E.(p.360)

In healthy families, boundaries are respected. If they are not, then 
each member of that family has not only a right, but a duty, to state 
the truth and establish the needed boundary. 

Secrets may be a part of "dysfunctional" families. In settings where 
there is threat however, we do not tell our perpetrators our safety 
plans, nor do we disclose the locations of safe houses. 

There is a healthy, life-affirming place for secrets.

As women we have been conditioned to tell all, as our mysteries 
terrified men and threatened their delusions of supremacy. We need to 
reclaim those mysteries now. If a man truly respects the women in 
this space, they will remove themselves, as requested. If they do 
THEY ARE NOT FOR US! We might even call it "stalking" and take it 
from there.

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