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From: Colline C.
Date: Wednesday, August 16, 2006, 2:25 PM
Subject: I find it strange
ID: 253926

that someone asked me about a post I made, and someone inquired what I meant by "Mirrors and Shields"

Let me say that these consepts are found in three unrelated areas.

The first appearance was mentioned in my study of Bon Po which was mostly absorbed by Buddhism, which was similar to Native American Shamanism.

The second appearance in written material came to me through my study of Usui Reiki.

The Third appearance came to me through my emerging study of American Shamanism, and I say American because it is found not only in North American but Central and South America....all belief from at least 10,000 years past which has been kept hidden for obvious reasons.

I might add.....that I have also been refreshing my pschology from the Jungian perspective, which has brought a lot of enlightenment in regards to my shadow self, and most importantly for me......bringing forth an understanding of tempering my male aspect and gaining a balance and bringing forth my feminine side which has never been able to emerge. Talk about a Warrior Woman!..I had 4 Canadian indian children who had to grow up in a world of racism.......luckily for them and a shock for many....that they had a white mother.

Anyway, I'm going to go and have a manicure and a pedicure paid for by my Sister .......a gift for my birthday!

Has anyone noticed the difference that when I went to post ....I had to go directly to Gather the Women ....sign in (remember my password) LOL,,,,,,

So the person who wished me to explain this information wasn't in the topic section of the Plenary Forum.....

With Her Guidance Colline

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