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From: White F.
Date: Wednesday, August 16, 2006, 4:07 PM
Subject: WE ARE THE KIVA!!! Blessed Be!
Reply to: 256360
ID: 253931

Dear Jean, 

Those who are deeply committed to truth and who love the earth 
recognize each other. We are all one family. Some are awakening to 
remembering. Others are still asleep. 

Let us not drink from the cup of forgetfulness.

We are the grail. 

As such, we serve all best when we can form strong associations with 
each other in our own sacred space. Here those who remember can help 
those just awakening. As we celebrate our own mysteries,we enter the 
river of remembering fully and reclaim all that has been lost. If we 
do not do this, we are not able to be clear vessels for the Feminine 
Principle to work with and through. Our efforts and effectiveness in 
the world will always be hampered or limited. We will always find 
ourselves burning out.

In the sacred circle, women find refreshment and renewal, loving 
support, healing ,inspiration. It is a place where we may be 
intensely active. It is also a place for rest, silence and visioning.

We are the keepers of the sacred fire. 

We are portals of initiation as well as portals of life.

How can we initiate the males of this world into the forgotten 
wonders of their own beauty and potential, if we have not reclaimed 
our full knowledge and understanding of ourselves? How can we teach 
our children, if we do not know?

For this we need WOMANSPACE. I have joined with Christina and many 
others, who are committed to creating a true sanctuary for deep work. 
I look forward to meeting you there.       

In The Holy Name Of All The Beauty That Is SHE, 

White Feather
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