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From: Starr* S.
Date: Wednesday, August 16, 2006, 5:49 PM
Subject: I stand corrected, and...
Reply to: 256350
ID: 253934

Dear Louise - You might be interested to know that "Women's 
Business" is something men would never interfere with among the 
Australian Aborigines. Aside from birthing etc during "Women's 
Business Meetings" there is the calling in of the SPIRIT that is 
needed in the world at the time, before the birth. I think GTW is 
calling in the Spirit that will lead the world forward - starting 
with recognizing women's own empowerment. 

Her Power and Beauty is in all that is! Starr* ------ On 8/16/06, Louise Chambers wrote ------ Dear Chrissy, I stand corrected. You did not say Medicine Man. You said that the ELDERS say take the cotton out of your ears and put it in your mouth. I say I AM an ELDER. I have a right to ask that men remove themselves from Sacred Women's Space. You speak of women being asked to step out of ceremony during their moontimes. Brooke Medicine Eagle says this too. However, if women must remove themselves from ceremony because our potency would in some way "harm" the ceremony, I say Women Have A Perfect Right To ASK that men take themselves out of our Millennia of Sacred Women's Space, which was respected and honored all over the world, prior to men telling us what we can and cannot do, and INSERTING themselves where they are not welcome or needed. The Mothers of the Iriquois Nations made all the decisions. The men abided by them. It was not until the White Men came and refused to council with the women that women became voiceless. In my ancestry, women were under seige from the earliest known times of "civilization". The Goddess was destroyed and called Jezebel, and Eve was blamed for all sin. In recent times the Wise Women of Europe were burnt as "witches", their lands and rights, and children, and ancient ways and wisdom stolen from them. Men took everything they could from women. They stripped us bare and labeled us "evil" and "temptresses" when we had been Priestesses and Prophetesses. We have lived in silence and fear too long. I AM and ELDER and I say that I have a right to speak and be heard: Men must leave women's Sacred Space. I have taken the cotton from my ears and I hear the women's wisdom coming loud and clear. I have taken the cotton from my ears and heard the voice of the ancient women who are coming to us again, and asking us to SAVE the EARTH MOTHER, or we shall all surely perish. I will not put cotton in my mouth ever again, unless it is to listen to someone who gives me peer respect, as I would give them. If you want to attempt to guilt trip me with the "man-bashing" ploy, I say just try it! I have been called every woman-hating name in the book. I won't back down from the truth of my 30 years of study and council with women and the Goddess. Louise ------

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