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From: Starr* S.
Date: Thursday, August 17, 2006, 1:10 AM
Subject: Aboriginal Women have Women's Space!
Reply to: 256382
ID: 253940

Hi Louise this is Starr* making a few interactive comments re your powerful post.

Louise: Thank you for sharing this information about Aboriginal Women having Women's Business, to which no man is invited.I do know about this, as Women's Business/Women's Space is a concept known throught the eons, and until recently, respected by both men and women.Women's Business is Life. Women are the Key to Life, they hold the Mystery within themselves. We are the Grail.

Starr*: According to the cosmology of one well known Seer (R. Steiner) the first humans were in the image of the creator, androgynistic, undifferentiated (female-male) as one. Then as part of the period of the Fall there was a SEPARATION where the male aspect came out of the original design which looked FEMALE IN DESIGN. This is why the ancient Chinese statues of Zeus are pictured with breasts.

Now that we are coming out of the Fall there is a coming together of the orginal one again - this is why multitudes in this Age are experiencing mental and physical gender issues. Part of this coming together has to do with preparing humanity for entering the Cycle of Balance. The percursor Cycles were that of the Godddesses and then this last one of Patriarchy. Both have had their full reign and it is now coming to a time of a Balanced civilization.

In order for Balance to come about women have to regain their powers so that they are as strong and developed as their male counterparts. Every individual must develop their male and female potential as this stage of humanitys progress. Reconnecting and learning "Sacred Women's Business" is most necessary for us at this stage of development - so yes, we do need our solidarity while regaining our strengths that have been marginalized or snuffed for so long.

Louise: The root of the problem that I have been attempting to expose is that women are not here in GTW Forum or Matrix without men. Men are members, some are putting up profiles seeking wives. I have shown this to you all. Others have given you solid evidence.

Starr*: Yes, whenever we interact on the net we have no assurance that anyone is who they say they are. And it is true that there are often some who join groups as spies and some with the sole goal of sabatoaging and/or hijacking the efforts. Meanwhile we need to go ahead working together on the web while hoping that we are being wise and as discerning as possible in our collective efforts. "All things work together for the good of the God/ess" so to speak.

Thank you for keeping us aware of our true nature and for protecting our efforts.

Her Power and Beauty lives in All that Is........Starr*

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