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From: Starr* S.
Date: Thursday, August 17, 2006, 11:55 PM
Subject: Aboriginal Women have Women's Space!
Reply to: 256391
ID: 253961

Joyous greetings Louise

Louise:Dear Starr*,Well, now I'm a bit confused, I must admit. Your first post stated that Aboriginal Women have Women's Space where no man is allowed.That statement seemed to be echoing what, not only I, but other women, had been saying.

Starr*: Yes, I think it is wonderful that in the Aboriginal way men have not been poking their noses into "Women's Business" in consideration of the way life on earth has been during the last 60,000 years with the sexes being gendered and separate.

It is quite a fright for Aboriginal women from the bush to come to hospitals where men get themselves into the birthing processes and the women are laid down on tables instead of squatting and working with gravity in the natural way. Some of the women go into shock to have male doctors involved. This is outrageous! just as it has been for Western women in the modern world...when due to the witch burning days where the men took over on medicine to control the healing powers innate in women. (curse, yell, stamp feet, etc at this grave injustice).

Louise: Now you say something about coming together in "androgony" or "balance"? Forgive me, I don't quite understand your belief system as it is somewhat esoteric, and not something I have studied. And truly, I have never heard these concepts before, even though I have studied the Metaphysics of Gurdjieff and Blatavsky. I admit, I may have missed something along the way, but their principles seemed to go straight back to the ancient Vedics.

Starr*: In order to get understanding of humanity in this day and where humanity is headed I start with investigation into the beginning of humans on earth. There have already been five Epochs and we are moving into the Shift of the Ages or the Sixth Cycle of Balance. Usually the investigators of today don't go back far enough or are they able to discover how the first person came into being on planet earth, or where they came from.

Some people go back six thousand years and read the Bible which says that humans were made in God's image, male and female. But older information shows the image being male-female as One. Obviously people were here before this date since Aborigines in Australia were here for over 60,000 years. You can look up 'Divine Hermaphradite" (bi-sexual Being capable of self reproduction)that existed cycles and cycles ago on Google. We know this isn't all myth because such beings are existent in this day as well. In fact there are about six sexes on earth and over 33% of the worlds population falls into one of the categories outside of just male or female. I outline all the above in my book "Tahirih Thealogy: Female Cosmic Christ Spirit of the Age"

Because humanity is progessing towards 'heaven on earth' it is moving out of duality into awareness of the Oneness of origin.

Louise: I also don't believe any of the concepts you put forward.

Starr*: Again, in my book, I suggest that many cosmologies can all be true, and can have been or are all operating at the same time. I do encourage people to know things through their own knowledge (gnosis), and experience rather than take on 'constructed belief systems, be them consensus or otherwise. Even human experience can be found to be an illusion of the Consciousness...but that is another story. In the book I marry science and spirituality as well so that we can get a better look at the 'big picture'.

Louise: I would no more align myself with them, than I would with any mainstream religion that puts a woman into a way of knowing herself and being herself that doesn't align to the Awe-Full Power and sometimes Terror- Full Mystery of our Creative Nature. I am using archaic word origins of these words to express ancient way of knowing that I want to express here and now.

I'm not putting you down.

Starr*: I'm a little out there on the cutting I'm used to realizing the messenger usually gets shot. But of course in this day all the old mysteries are becoming knowledge opened to the generality of humanity and science is backing it up more and more. That is mainly because new information is needed for the upcoming civilization of harmony.

Louise: I have a completely different belief system, one that I have had for 30 years, and that honors Goddess. Starr*: Belief systems are simply a construct of consciousness... and in no way can reflect the 'Whole'. However, I too, revere the Goddess and recognize that Tahirih is the latest Goddess made flesh who came in the 1844 period to open the portal for reconnection to the Spirit and Source of our true Selves. As information and awareness flood the earth with all the energies coming in through portals 'belief systems' will undergo changes too. I expect my own awareness to expand. Even the belief system you have today is not one you had before you were 30. It took becoming 'aware' to even adopt what you have.

Louise: I can't ever concieve that it is Zeus depicted with breasts. Starr*: LOL - It is interesting though, that the statues of Zeus with breasts go back into 'ancient ancient antiquity' of China.

Louise: In my belief system, that would be a hijacked Goddess such as Ashetereth, or Artemis--see the works of Merlin Stone on the ancient Goddesses from ancient texts--seen in statues of Goddesses with multitudes of breasts, such as those found in the area we now know as Turkey, near the ancient city of Catal Hayuk.

Starr*: Yep, that was during the Epoch proceeding the patriarchal one that we are in the process of discarding. So you see we've had the Female and the Male seasons....and now it is time for both to exist for a balanced civilization.

Louise: I don't even believe Jungian concepts of anima and animus, even though Jung is one of my greatest mentors.

Starr*: It was actually his wife who first came up with those concepts and wrote a book about it.

Louise: Because I have XX chromosones, I believe I am balanced already. The only work I believe I need to do is the work of facing my demons, The Shadow as Jung calls it, acknowledging my responsibilities for my behaviors, and "taking out the trash". That is the teaching I know from Shamanism and Depth Psychology.

Many women may understand and believe as you do, or they may hear your words for the first time, and feel they are right for them. I don't and so, as I said a in a previous post, GTW may not be the place for me. And as I said last night it is up to each woman to decide.

Starr*: Louise, I think we should all work together, because we all hold pieces of the pie. We share with one another. Through the sharing we can learn from one another what we choose to take up and what we choose to leave off. It is all a process. I like the support of knowing you are out there with strong convictions for the 'divinity' inherent in women!!!!!!!!!!!

Louise: I bow to your path,

Starr*: You must have read the Tahirih Path in my profile....but even with that I expect it to grow and expand.

Her Splendor lives in all that Is.

Natahe Natahe Natahe

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