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From: Jean M.
Date: Friday, August 18, 2006, 4:52 PM
Reply to: 256426
ID: 253981

Dear Gwen and Bette J. I rarely post on this site as well, but I must 
say that it saddens me to hear you two ladies pass judgment on the 
women who have been upset by the issues around Bruce etc. .. 
It is disturbing to me that you would bother to take the time to 
write in to the forum so that you can scold your angry or upset 
Sisters! And who made you the expert on what is 'devine anger'?! 
Geeezzz! And, who ever said that they were coming from a place of 
being more "enlightened" or "more intelligent than others". I agree 
that they are quite enlightened and intelligent, and I, for one, am 
proud of them! 
Come on now, let's not be on the lookout for what we can become 
oppositional about, but rather what we can be supportive of, and 
encourage within each other.

You, Bette, and you Gwen, seemed to be a little too eager to scold, 
and to minimize your sisters feelings (remember girls - we must be 
nice not angry right?- bullsh#*).
jean molina

------ On 8/18/06, Gwen Caldwell wrote ------

I rarely post on this site, rather try to reflect on those words of 
other women who share this journey on Earth Mother. I have often 
found whatever encouragement or insight that I may have needed to get 
off my ass and move that particular day. For that I thank the 
sharing, honesty and courage of those who utilize this space as part 
of their growth and contribution to all who need the light of those 
who have traveled before us.

We are all on a journey. We are all exactly where we need to be, for 
whatever lessons we need to learn at this time. It is not a matter 
of intelligence. It is more a matter of what one chooses to do with 
fear based evidence, rather than a lack of intelligence. Perhaps the 
value or lessons of another's journey lies in a choice that differs. 
That is the beauty of our collective journey. 

The energy here has been very charged lately. This is not devine 
anger. It is fear and control. If one would choose to view herself 
enlightened and more intelligent than others, I would submit that the 
information would then be presented in a loving, compassionate way. 
Instead it seems as though anyone not at the same place on her 
journey is somehow, less than. I do not agree that we should behave 
in a divide and conquer mentality. That has historically been the 
male response to most everything that has done so many years of 
damage to women, our children and the planet. Yet, in a space for 
women to share, heal, express, grow and learn we have been bashed 
because we dare to celebrate our the voices of our children singing 
and enjoying the gift of being present in the day?!

If men have access to our posts, perhaps we have the devine 
opportunity to educate them and guide them in positive ways. Give 
them the insight that that may lack so that they have a better 
understanding of what their roles in this healing process can be and 
to better support the women in their lives, the children they father 
and the planet that sustains us all. 

With all of that said, I will remain on this site without fear of 
breech, and will walk knowing that as my journey continues I am in a 
space that will be shared for the growth of understanding and in 
support of each woman's journey. Wherever she is on that path she is 
sacred and deserves respect. She too has her-story and it needs to 
be honored.

May you each be blessed with a day of beauty.
Gwen Caldwell

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