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From: Bettye J.
Date: Thursday, August 31, 2006, 3:39 PM
ID: 254141

This article was sent to me and I was so moved by it that I now want to share it with you. Bettye Johnson


APPLYING THE CONCEPT If you can’t apply the concept of choosing joy in the day-to-day world, what good is it? My friend laughed when she learned I’d titled my book “Choosing Joy in the Midst of Crisis”. She knew I’d be continuing a journey that included Joy AND Crisis. I thought I was writing about the past. We need to be aware of our focus, because we’ll get more of it. My friend is a truly fabulous healer and in turn, I laughed at her book title “Be Healed”, as she entered her 17th surgery. As for me, a couple more crises occurred, or more exactly, I created a couple more. This acknowledges our mastery in creating our lives.

JOY IS A CHOICE How does one choose joy in the middle of crisis? I can best demonstrate this through telling the tale of such an incident. However, I use the term ‘crisis’ reservedly. Crisis is determined by how it affects us emotionally. It may not even seem like a crisis to others. It is completely subjective. From all outward appearances, this event seemed to fit that definition, but in truth, it was much more.

THE STORY In a remote part of the Canadian Rockies we drove our RV in minus 48-degree weather. The driver had an epileptic seizure and we took an unplanned Disneyland ride atop the guardrail. It was such a small boundary to a 40’ drop.

A slow motion drama unfolded. Lost in his seizure, the driver didn’t brake, and there was a terrible screeching noise of metal on metal as the RV grated against the guardrail.

Then the miracles began. There had been no place to pull out or stop for 85 miles but 5 miles after the accident, when the driver had regained semi-consciousness, a large pullout appeared. We stopped.

A LADY APPEARS Something was burning and I quickly jumped out. A lady in a truck appeared out of nowhere saying “I saw what happened. I just got my CPR certificate. Did someone have a heart attack? I can help. I’ll take you anywhere you want.” And so she did. She took us to the nearest town, which turned out to be only 7 miles away. She knew it well although her hometown was over 200 miles away. She drove us past the inadequate service stations to the only one who could help us. It was half a block from the perfect hotel. The station attendants contacted the only towing company who could tow this size vehicle .His shop was across the street from the only large vehicle repair company in the town and he was available.

CONNECTING I installed the recovering driver in the charming little hotel, and rode in the tow truck to the accident site. As we drove, he asked “How can you be so calm? You almost died.” I replied “I wrote this book called ‘Choosing Joy in the Midst of Crisis’, don’t you think this qualifies?” We laughed and he began asking a lot of serious questions.

MORE MIRACLES He determined the worst damage to be the tire, which had caused the burning smell and some surface damage to the exterior. No axle or mechanical problem. It was drivable! In addition, he just happened to have a replacement tire, delivered that day for one of his own vehicles. He drove the RV back to town infinitely cheaper than a tow fee. He’d been so amazed at my calmness and happiness that he arranged for his wife and family to meet us that evening. We had a great conversation, lots of laughs and lots of questions about happiness in crisis. I gifted them with my book. She offered to be our chauffeur in town until we left.

NEW CRISIS The next morning when we called her for a ride to the RV, she said “Where’s the section in your book about death? My best friend died at 11:30 last night and I’ve been reading it.”

DRINKING TEA I notified my friends of the incident and they inundated me with questions. What was I going to do? Would I finish the trip? Who would drive? How would we get along? I responded by saying “I can only deal with the next 20 minutes on my plate and I’m making tea”. I simply brought my focus to the moment. It seemed to me that all that stuff that would eventually be dealt with, might as well be five years out in the future. I was so full of my own situation and feelings that I couldn’t even relate to the questions. I had no answers. I could only deal with what was going on NOW. This occurred over and over as friends and loved ones questioned me about what I was going to do. I was going to trust the situation to unfold perfectly. I was going to trust that I was in perfect hands. I was going to allow. I was going to drink my tea, with cream, thank you.

COINCIDENCE OR MIRACLE I decided to continue our trip by hiring drivers. I asked at the tow truck office and the first driver I asked said, “I’ll do it. When do you want to leave?” We left one hour later. His mom lived 10 blocks from our first destination; 350 miles away and he needed to see her. He had 12 years experience driving in winter conditions. I felt safe. I had another cup of tea. Besides things were unfolding in divine hands.

THE BREAKDOWN We drove to Edmonton arriving in plenty of time for the scheduled event. Fourteen blocks from the convention center, the RV died. The eventual tow truck driver turned out to be a personal friend of our hired driver. Through him we found the best diesel repairman and other drivers for the next stage. We were gifted with inside storage (remember its way below zero) and friendly chauffeur service. While parked outside the convention center, a lady walked up to our damaged RV and said her husband repaired them and did we want an estimate. It turned out she had the booth next to me at the fair and her husband was considered the best in his field. Although we waited until we returned, it was a golden gift.

UNFOLDING AND ALLOWING There were so many more miracles on this trip, it was simply a time of sitting back and watching them unfold. By not doing guilt and blame, by allowing the process, by staying in the moment, by choosing joy, all was accomplished. We made many new friends and many lives were touched. It was a lesson in allowance and most especially staying in the now. There is an old saying…. “The way to eat an elephant is one bite at a time.” Don’t bite off more than we can chew. Allow all the rest to just be, including oneself.

The definition of a master is not one whose life is perfect. A master is one who says, “Yes!” to whatever shows up on one’s plate. By saying “Yes” we unlock the raw energy of a situation. It becomes accessible to us to use in whatever way we choose.

Synchronicity occurs. It is just raw energy flowing.

JUDGMENT STOPS THE FLOW By choosing judgment, anger, guilt, blame, or other aspects of fear, we say “No” to the experience and immediately encounter resistance, a block to energy. We fall out of harmony with the flow. Answers, that would have streamed forth, remain hidden, unrevealed, locked within the blocked energy.

CHOICE We get to choose. Metaphysics is real and we can apply it a thousand fold daily. Joy is a choice. I think I’ll have another cup of tea.

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