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From: Kathe S.
Date: Wednesday, September 6, 2006, 7:39 AM
Subject: GTW News Bulletin - September 6, 2006
ID: 254160

Dear wise women of GTW:

At the close of her keynote at the GTW North American Congress in Victoria in June, Jean Shinoda Bolen read Mary Oliver's poem "The Summer Day". She left us to ponder these words:

"Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?"

Gather the Women will never tell you what you should be passionate about ... and we will always encourage you to dive into action to follow your truth and your passion. We know that the world needs your gifts now.

Here is a glimpse at some of the opportunities on the horizon as we prepare for a new season of activity at Gather the Women.


Do you want to join us at one of the 6 Congresses?

AFRICA: Joyce Oneko is preparing to host more than 300 African grassroots women at the Bondo Teacher's College in rural Kenya December 1-4, 2007. More than 40 women are traveling from the United States to witness our sisters at this powerful gathering.

AUSTRALIA: Anique Radiant Heart was recently visiting the U.S. and was able to be the honored guest at an Australian House Party in southern California that raised funds to support the Congress she is anchoring. Details will be going up onto the GTW website soon about how you can join the Australian GTW Congress to be held July 6-8, 2007 in Sydney. Anique also shared exciting news about a 10-day tour package organized to follow the Congress which will allow you to visit sacred sites of the region and meet aboriginal elders.

SOUTH AMERICA: Angela Weber has announced new dates for the South American Congress to be held in Salvador, Brazil. Mark your calendars and plan to join us October 26-28, 2007.

ASIA: Janet Pinto has been experiencing health challenges in India. We ask you to hold her in your prayers as she and her mother recover from malaria. She remains committed to anchoring the Asian Congress in 2008.

EUROPE: We are still looking for brave and creative women to anchor a European Congress in 2008. Contact


Gather the Women invites you into a process to ‘seed’ sacred circles for women. We have put together a DVD to create home salons where you can bring women into the experience of listening and sharing in deep meaningful conversations. At the end of the series you have the opportunity to ask women if they would like to continue the conversation in an ongoing women’s circle.

This D.V.D. highlights three major teachers, authors, and speakers who address Gather the Women participants:

Dr. Jean Houston
Dr. Jean Shinoda Bolen
Barbara Marx Hubbard

Included is a discussion guide with suggestions and questions based on the programs.

Each presentation is about 8-10 minutes long and gives impetus for an in-depth discussion of the information and points raised by the speakers. GTW proposes using this D.V.D. for a three-evening series OR all in one evening. This conversation can lay the groundwork to form on-going women’s circles.

Send a donation of $25.00 plus s/h $3.00 U.S. (Or $7.00 Canadian) to:
Gather the Women, c/o Marilyn Nyborg, 14480 Craig Lane, Grass Valley, CA 95945.

For more information:


Tuesday, September 12: African House Party in New York City. 7:30 PM. Contact

Saturday, September 16: Nevada County FUN Raiser. 8:00 PM, The Center for the Arts, 314 West Main Street, Grass Valley, CA 95945. Tickets are $20.00. Contact Marilyn Nyborg at: 530-477-7883

Saturday, September 23: Walk for Hope sponsored by Be The Cause . An opportunity to participate in a GTW fundraiser in southern California. Contact for more information.

November 10-12: Regional Congresses will be held in multiple locations during the same weekend. Watch the GTW website for emerging details at a location near you.

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