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From: Starr* S.
Date: Sunday, October 1, 2006, 7:01 PM
Subject: Making a difference in someone's life
ID: 254335

Hi! I told the people at the Ashram fundraiser that the women at GTW were behind us - they were so encouraged to know that women from all over the world were connected to the effort. And thank you Bettye Johnson for the continaul good work and information that you do and supply for all of us.

Make a difference in someone's life and have fun doing it!

Dear V-KA

Hi - a note from Starr*

The movie was very moving - and I thought yes, we must be grateful for those who were there in our lives to teach us how to be better people ourselves. Human relationships are the laboratory on earth for all of us to practice the God/ess within. Thank you so much for reminding us through the beautiful and touching movie.

I wrote the following in to Gather The Women Matrix the other day. It turned out to be a wonderful event. Many of my male friends joined took part. I got a call this morning from the woman who organized the fund raiser and she told me we earned $1700. to help the African women. She said it would help four who in turn would learn how to help others.

This is what I wrote to GTW.

Tomorrow we are going to another Ashram for a ChakraDance and vegetarian meal. The main purpose though is to raise money for women in Africa. Their paper says: “This is a fundraising event to help our sisters in Africa who suffer in shame and pain with Obstetric Fistula, that is caused when pressure from the baby’s head during prolong labour crushes the tissue between the bladder and the rectum, which ends with a vagina that is so scared from urine that the whole cervix closes in a twisted mess. Let's keep our network alive through encouraging one another. Many thanx to all the women out there 'doing the work' and making a difference.


--- On Sun, Oct 1, 2006, VerroniKA Walch wrote --

- teacher*s movie this is what I want to share with you may be you already know the story may be you had such a teacher yourself this is why I became a "teacher" this is why I like to be here love to you all

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