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From: Anne L.
Date: Monday, November 6, 2006, 8:28 AM
Subject: Activation Maya 2006
ID: 254661


It is time once again to prepare for this years Activation Maya 2006 Ceremonial Celebration ... ten days of sacred Mayan Fire Ceremonies, ancient site tours, drumming circles, sweat lodges, seminars and evening entertainment, including the first ever live concert in Tikal, featuring Kan'Nal.

This Event promotes the activation of your transcendence into Divine, unconditional Love. Recovering and Healing your innocence, as you reconnect with the Heart of the Mother in the jungle and the Heart of the Father, while watching the stars of the Milky Way in the clear nights of the rainforest.

This is year 6, at the Winter Solstice, in the countdown, before the Galactic Dawn. We will be in the presence of the Sacred Fire, in ceremonies lovingly prepared by authentic Maya Shaman ~ Teachers and invited guest Shaman from around the world.

Feel the call of your Soul, your nature, telling you to come to the sacred Land of the Maya, to join us, the Shaman and Lightworkers, in celebration of this Time to come.

In this Reunion of Time, we are all alive as one. The Shaman will perform ceremonies for the preparation for our Mission of Light. They offer a Message of Hope, Love and Light, as the darkness of winter announces a new dawn.

The Mayan Prophecies indicate that this is a time of great changes in our world. It is a message of hope. This event is important for the activation of individuals, groups and the ancient sites, themselves!

Join Aum Rak (Maya Priestess, Shamaness, Healer, Teacher), Tata Pedro (Maya Shaman, DayKeeper), and LionFire, (Shaman, Healer, GateKeeper) as well as many other Lightworkers as we awaken to the New Dawn.

You can view parts of the videos of last year's ceremonies at

For more information and registration, see

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