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From: Kathleen T.
Date: Wednesday, November 8, 2006, 12:29 PM
Subject: More information is power -
Reply to: 257164
ID: 254685

Wow...I have just finished watching a video that riveted me to the core - it is beyond the dynamics of Republican/Democratic approaches to our nation's problems or world affairs. It has thoughtfully, heartfully, layed out what is going on in the world and what needs to be done. This was written and produced by Aaron Russo, a hollywood director with titles to his credit that you would recognize. He started out asking the question of whether having to pay taxes is indeed a law - he ended up on a journey that will rock your world upon viewing the movie. He is offering it for free viewing on the internet. His message in a nutshell? "SHUT DOWN THE FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM" Why? Watch the movie - definetely worthy of an hour and a half of your time. It is a wake up call! If the above link does not work - the name of the movie is Freedom to Fascism, by Aaron Russo

Pass this info: along - our freedom relies on us all to do so -

Peace, Kathleen

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