Gather the Women Global Matrix From: Indigo Star Nation
Date: Wednesday, November 8, 2006
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Thank you for sharing the link. Aaron Russo speaks the truth and we 
need this kind of knowledge. We have many choices to make.

These following facts are what we must work with:

1-The Federal Reserve controls the country and interfaces with all the 
banks of the world. These banks orchestrate wars and crisis that lead 
to a maximization of their profits. They are behind every current 
conflict, in every country throughout the world. They place people in 
power who agree to serve their interests and when they no longer do 
so, they are removed(ie:Saddam Hussein).

2-Only these elite have wealth actually backed by gold. That is the 
only currency that counts and endures.

3-They control the governments of the world and are referred to by 
various names: The Bilderberg Club, The Illuminati, The Shadow 

4- Those who control the wealth, control all.

5-The Military Commisions Act gives absolute power to the President, 
who acts on behalf of the Shadow government.

6-If people demand the closure of the Federal reserves, they can face 
imprisonment. Martial Law will be declared. People in the land of the 
free, will finally understand what it means to live in the reality of 
a fascist state. We will have no recourse to any 
justice...we will simply disappear into one of the 800 internment 
camps, which Aaron boldly reveals exist...awaiting just such an event.
All the laws that have been passed in the past few years have 
stripped us of the means to revolt effectively....UNLESS WE ALL RISE 

Reviewing the link from Keith Olbermann's speech on MSNBC News, along 
with this presentation, it is apparent that we need to come to some 
firm decisions while there is still time.

We also need to mobilize in a way that works. In unity there is great 
strength. If we try to take the system on in small groups, or in 
isolation, we have no chance of success.

We can also piece together now, why no one is listening to the 
world's leading scientists about climate change.

NESARA is a much talked about legislation that was signed near the 
end of Bill Clinton's term in office. It may hold a solution. It may 
also be a trap. I encourage readers to look it up on the internet and 
form their own conclusions.

You will understand the philosophy and psychology of the Shadow 
Government, if you read From Revolution To Reconstruction: Essays: 
Manifest Destiny: The Philosophy That Created A Nation.

Clare Morgan
Women Of The Blue Rose