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From: Bettye J.
Date: Monday, November 13, 2006, 2:51 PM
Subject: Being a compassionate lightkeeper
Reply to: 257234
ID: 254746

I want to thank Clare, Korona, Kathleen and all you beautiful women for keeping the information coming. We each can do much to change the plight of women around the world.

I had a friend who was very active in the Civil Rights Movement in the U.S. tell me a profound thing. "With every step we take, we are winners."

There is an old U.S. saying: "The squeaky wheel is the one that gets oiled." The more we sign petitions, write our government representatives and spread the word, we will be heard and we can affect change. For the women in the U.S. I urge you to purchase copies of the U.S. Constitution and give away as Christmas gifts. A great Christmas gift! For women all over the world, I urge you to click on the sites below and sign the petitions and then send them to everyone on your email list. Pambazuka News - Petition on the Ratification of the Protocol on the Rights of Women in Africa

International campaign agaisnt the death threat made to Yanar Mohammed's life by Islamists in Iraq Petition

Demand Media Stop "Talking Right" About a Woman's Right to Choose Petition Ms. Magazine | We Had Abortions

The America I Believe IN .htm?sid=138718675&auid=2142895

We are powerful! We are wonderful! We are genius!

Bettye Johnson

"Life is like a tapestry. A chance meeting can lead to a beautiful new thread. We are weaving our individual tapestry with each choice we make." - Secrets of the Magdalene Scrolls

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