Gather the Women Global Matrix From: Indigo Star Nation
Date: Thursday, November 16, 2006
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We have all been aware of the staggering statistics of the costs of 
war, poverty, environmental degradation and destruction and all the 
manifold forms of human and animal suffering. 

Each day, we are haunted by images of a ravaged and plundered planet. 

Amnesty, UNICEF, World Vision(and numerous agencies working on the 
frontlines), the evening news, Al Gore's film,"An Inconvenient Truth" 
and the Military Commissions Act, have failed to mobilize enough 
people to arise and demand change. 

To read one page of Amnesty's Urgent Action cases, rends the heart of 
any person who has chosen not to close it. 

I am astonished at how much suffering we can tollerate; how many 
freedoms we relinquish without question ! 

Where is love and the heart of fierce compassion ? 

Aaron Russo now emerges and presents us with the facts on the Federal 
Reserves and American currency not being backed by gold and the uproar 
is deafening ! 

This speaks to the fact that the average person today is morally 
bankrupt. We lack integrity and compassion and an authentic commitment 
to truth and justice. We have placed all of our value on money and 
gold and forgotten our real treasure. 

Although I applaud Russo and I do believe he is right to bring this 
matter forth and that people need to rise up and demand that there be 
dramatic change, I also feel a deep sadness that money should move us 
more than the ongoing genocide of people around the world, whose only 
crime is race, color or creed; starving children, child soldiers whose 
innocence is sacrificed on the altar of greed, young girls and women 
raped, exploited and violated, tortured prisoners of conscience, the 
irreplacable loss of precious wildlife, the poisoning of our air, soil 
and water and unprecedented, unnatural climate change. 

Our treasure is Earth's children. That includes All humanity, the 
animals, air, water, land, trees, our atmosphere; the many miraculous 
varieties of life that call our planet home. 

Any economic system that does not cherish these above gold, silver, 
oil , and paper currency, is not going to be any different from the 
corruption entrenched current world order. 

I do not want currency backed by metal. 

I want value placed on the real treasures that make this world a place 
of wonder and delight. 

I want all Earth's creatures to enjoy freedom from every form of 
harm , to thrive in a healthy , pristine environment and to be valued 
and honored as sacred. 

We need to put the sacred back into our values and revolutionize 
ourselves from within before we can manifest healing in a world 
dominated and oppressed by the lost and souless. 

This is a time for deep work.  It is a time for reclaiming a true 
spirituality with conscience. It is a time for acknowledging the 
eternal truth that the Earth, the Self, the one. There is 
no "other".

The reformation must be absolute or it will be ineffectual !

All investment in the present paradigm, which is not backed by moral 
substance, will inevitably lead to further ruin and  dispair. 

We can choose to continue as we have been; but if we do we will all 

The moral choice we face is not between good and evil. 

We are choosing between Life and Death.

Clare Morgan
Women Of The Blue Rose