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From: Indigo S.
Date: Thursday, November 16, 2006, 4:52 PM
Subject: AGOA- Do Not Let It Expire-Write A Letter-Petition
ID: 254765

"Unless we take action now, up to 150,000 Africans, mostly women, 
could lose their jobs.

The "third-country fabric" provision of African Growth and Opportunity 
Act (AGOA) must be renewed before the end of the year. This provision 
helps African businesses create jobs by allowing them to import fabric 
that they can then make into clothes to sell in the United States.

In September, you and other ONE Members sent over 160,000 letters to 
members of Congress. We took out a full page ad in Roll Call, a daily 
newspaper read by members of Congress, with the names of ONE members 
who supported renewal of this important provision. We can now build on 
that momentum by reminding our representatives about this pressing 
issue today.

Please take a moment to write your Representatives

AGOA passed in 2000 and increased trade opportunities in Africa giving 
some of the world's poorest people new opportunities to earn a steady 
income, send their children to school, and build a hopeful future. But 
the crucial "third-country fabric" provision is set to expire next 

Your action showed Congress that you support renewing this provision 
that's helping Africans continue to work their way out of poverty. 
Your efforts helped put this on the negotiating table, and now we have 
one last chance to ensure that it's passed before this Congress 

Visit ONE.ORG for more information and to sign the petition.
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