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From: Mary T.
Date: Saturday, November 25, 2006, 7:39 AM
Subject: Need advice on ssigning book contract!!!
ID: 254864

I know we've had threads here before that seemed to endorse self-
publishing. I've given that a lot of thought.

Am writing a book that has to do with deepening the experience of 
Cinema, both for those making it and for those viewing it. 

There is only one publisher I even considered, the best in my niche 
group, and Lo & behold ~ He's sent me a contract! Have located a semi-
local literary atty, which I can ill afford, and want to bone up on 
the lingo so he won't have to charge me for his re-inventing the 

Legalese is impossible for me ~ like crunching down on a shell or 
stone in your soup.

Any advise on how to get a good contract, any warnings on what NOT to 
sign on for? He wants world rights, but does have great overseas 
contacts, and he writes that publisher has final say on the title, 
which to me is like having the mid-wife name your baby!!!...Also, the 
contract seems open-ended, is that normal???

Any feed-back greatly appreciated. Mahalo!
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