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From: Indigo S.
Date: Thursday, November 30, 2006, 2:29 PM
Subject: Where Are The Women?
ID: 254947

In my research on the topic of the new direction the Women's Movement 
needs to take, I discovered this gem in ? What Is Enlightenment 

Elizabeth Dubold's message is not only a call to action, but a 
challenge to redefine Feminism and to evolve beyond all 
categorizations, to a place where we recognize that we act on behalf 
of something far greater than ourselves.

She sees us having a very narrow window of opportunity in which to 
make crucial changes, both in ourselves and the world.

"Without our eyes on something far greater than ourselves, we will 
never intervene “once and for all” on our own behalf. And if we 
don't, as Wolf warns us, 'the future is ours to lose'".-E.D.

Women Of The Blue Rose

Toward a New Women's Liberation by Elizabeth Debold 

Where Are The Women
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