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From: Karen F.
Date: Sunday, December 3, 2006, 1:52 PM
Subject: There are ways to circumnavigate the old system
Reply to: 257466
ID: 254984

Hi everyone,

I know how tempting it is to look at all the cloak and dagger intrigue which has been perpetuated by those who had the money and the power, and then to feel helpless but... there ARE ways to change the system and reinvent a new one, which could exclude those who thought they could manipulate the world (and all the people on it) for their own greed.

If people (both men and woman) truly want the type of change, which makes society fair for all, then we must begin to implement new ways which will allow our civilization to be run on OUR terms.

For too long we just accepted that 'the way things were, was the way they had to be' - but that's not true.

If you don't like the way things are - the lying and the deceipt, the lack of morals and spirituality - and you don't like the unfair system of economics; the manipulation of our world for the benefit of a few; the greed of the corporate world; the low wages we're paid; the lack of affordable healthcare and housing; the fact that genetic modification is altering our food; or pollution is ruining our air and our water and ultimately our planet, then don't just sit there --- do something about it!

There ARE ways to circumnavigate many of these issues. They are legal, they are practical and they work..... but they ONLY work if, and when, regular people unite and work together to make change.

I'll give you some examples.

* If you don't like the way the government is manipulated by those in power - try voting for an independent candidate. If there aren't any, at least vote in the opposition (because then you are saying "We are not voting the same way every time, just so you can screw us over! You will have to 'win' my vote, by doing what's right for me and the other people in our region."

If you don't like that idea, then why not run for office yourself? If you do enough good deeds in the community and show that you care, perhaps you can overthrow the incumbent.

* If your bank is charging too many fees - look for another institution to put some (or all) of your money in. If there isn't a community bank - see if you can start one.

* If you can't get work and it's getting harder to make ends meet, try forming a community economic system with locally made 'money'. This system works and it helps alleviate some of the poverty. Or you can barter your talents in exchange for goods and services you may need. You may be able to start a small business with others or you might be able to co-share a job. (See, there are many answers to fix the problem).

* If there is no affordable healthcare in your locality - see if you can get some doctors or alternative practictioners to start a clinic and work for a small fee or can donate some of their time for free. Maybe pay them in local currency (see suggestion above).

* The media is keeping us stupid. If you feel that new information isn't getting out to those who need it, start a newsletter, put it in a self published book, put a video on Youtube or make an internet Podcast. Speak on alternative internet radio or write in a new age (alternative) magazine but what- ever you do - DO SOMETHING!

Don't get mad - get even.

What I'm saying is that for every problem, there may be solutions which work, but which require people to join together to implement them. If enough people are being disadvantaged in your region, all you need to do is get them to work togther, to focus on the problem, then start changing 'wrongs' into 'rights.'

Those in power think we will never have the impetus to unite. In fact, they are counting on it. Now it's time to show them they're wrong! That will throw a spanner in their works!

My organization, ALterQuest is uniting people. It's giving everyone who wants to know, the answers 'on a plate' and it is forming a global network of people who can help each other and who can also add to the ideas exchange. This way, when one community comes up with a plan which works, they freely share their methods with others. This way, everyone wins!

This new way of thinking is my passion. For years I've been convinced that, although there was a system which was manipulated to fit an elite few, who thought they could run the world on their terms - regardless of the rest - this was ultimately NOT the way our world had to be. However, until people unite, we will always be suppressed. Now it's the 21st century and we have many ways to communicate (ie. phone, internet etc) so we can tell many people how to change their situation.

My new book "AlterQuest - Shape the Future" is about the many ways of changing the old ways and bringing in the new... This book is full of amazing, wonderful, alternative concepts which work. It combines practical solutions, with a way to join a global organization for the betterment of every person who has to live on the Earth. It's the 21st century and humanity only has two choices.. Stay as it is, and accept our fate (or) Change - and become a progressive society in a progressive world.

I know which I'd prefer. Now it's up to you.

So, come on ladies, let's find those positive ways and implement them. Let's show those men who think they're in charge... that there are six billion of us, regular human beings - led by passionate women who are mothers and wives and who want a better world for our families - and let's re-shape our existence.

This is my passion. I have spent years compiling ways which work and searching for methods which have been used by people and communities all over the globe - to make life better. I offer these freely because I think that any person, community or country can have a better life, if positive ideas are used to change things.

I firmly believe that although humanity made the mess we're in, it is also up to mankind (or if you prefer... womankind) to get us out of it. If we don't do it, who will?

If you want to know more, you can read a sample of the new AlterQuest book by going to…..

It’s published at (Also, in answer to a previous posting on GTW, for anyone wanting to self-publish a book - do take a look at



Karen Fiala. CoFounder of the Alterquest Organiation.

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