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From: Indigo S.
Date: Friday, December 29, 2006, 4:44 PM
Subject: January 11 2007-Day Of Action-Amnesty
ID: 255279

Sign the America I Believe In pledge and write a letter to the editor. 
The voice of human rights activists in local media is critical to 
building a movement opposed to the conditions at Guantánamo Bay. Find 
out how to write your letter so that there’s a better chance of having 
it published. 

On January 11, 2002, the US transferred the first detainees to the US 
Naval Base at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba. Five years later, despite 
widespread international condemnation, hundreds of people of more than 
30 nationalities remain there. We will mark Thursday, January 11, 2007 
as a day to show our opposition to the prolonged indefinite and 
arbitrary detention of those held at the prison facilities in 
Guantánamo Bay.
There are lots of ways you can get involved. We are asking individuals 
and groups to plan a vigil or rally at a highly visible location such 
as in front of your local or federal courthouse, a town square or 
college campus to educate the public, gather signatures on the America 
I Believe In pledge, and demand that the US government close the 
facilities in Guantánamo Bay. Already, we know that groups in Atlanta, 
Boston, Chicago, New York and San Francisco are mobilizing to protest 
the harsh conditions of confinement, lack of due process and 
indefinite detentions. 

To make things easy, we have provided you with a guide (PDF) for 
planning your events. The Close Guantánamo Action Guide includes 
guidelines for event planning, fact sheets, a sample flyer and actions 
you can use to mark five years of unlawful detentions. 
In addition to events all across the country and around the world, we 
will hold a press conference and rally in front of the US Supreme 
Court in Washington, DC demanding access to justice and human dignity 
for all.
Don’t have time to rally or attend a vigil? 
Visit our Denounce Torture page to stay connected to upcoming actions 
and events. Because the America we believe in would close Guantánamo 
Please make sure to let us know  if you are planning an event as it 
will assist us in keeping track of all the amazing events and ensure 
that our message to Close Guantanamo are heard by many. Thank you for 
your continued participation! 

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