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From: Bettye J.
Date: Sunday, December 31, 2006, 10:30 AM
Subject: Creating a 2007
ID: 255286

Thank you Clare Morgan for all the information you send to us. From my perspective it is most appreciated. Yes, let's toast to ten good things about 2006. This brings to mind 2007.

We are living in turbulent times - or so it seems because we have instant communication all over the world. From my study of ancient history there have always been turbulent times. Women have always been the unsung heronines of history. Men went off to war and it was the women who kept the crops growing, and the homes together. Women have always had many talents and have been multi-tasked.

To write our government representatives and to sign petitions is one way to have our voices heard. Many of us are not prone to march on the streets at this time. However, there are several agendas that most women are not aware of.

The first is genetically-engineered foods. Seeds are being genetically engineered to where a seed cannot reproduce itself and the farmers become dependent upon the big seed corporations to furnish their seeds. This takes away the power of the small farmers and homeowners who want to grow food in their gardens.

What each of us can do is to go on-line and purchase seeds that have not been genetically engineered and store them in tight containers and keep in cool places for storage. Learn to become a seed-saver. In Ethopia about 15 or 20 years ago, their staple was a grain called teff. The big seed companies came in and with the blessings of the government gave the farmer genetically engineered seeds. From this there has been famine and drought in Ethopia.

The second issue is now the cloning of animals for their meat. This means that a sheep or a cow cannot reproduce and the population becomes dependent on the corporations to furnish them with meat. Becoming vegetarians is not the answer if you are using genetically engineered seeds and foods.

Since women have been the primary cooks and often the home gardeners, it behooves us to speak up and say no to cloning and genetically engineered foods. Where is the nutrition?

Here in the U.S., one has only to go to a medical center or hospital early in the morning and see the parking lot filled. Instead of a nation of healthy people, we have more illnesses than ever before. The pharmaceutal companies have created a nation of sick people. I urge you to grow healing herbs and to make your own remedies and tinctures. Cider vinegar has many uses for healing. One can go on-line and google uses for cider vinegar.

It is time for us to take our power back during 2007. To continue to make our voices heard and to be a beneficial blessing to the planet. Each of us must become an activist in some avenue.

May 2007 bring about wonderful changes in each of your lives. With love and gratitude to you and Gather the Women, Bettye Johnson

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