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From: Kay S.
Date: Sunday, December 31, 2006, 11:41 AM
Subject: Creating a 2007
Reply to: 257779
ID: 255290

To Bettye and to Clare -- and to all the wonderful women who will read this, Thank you for your information and your insights, your encouragement, your generosity. The seed that will not reproduce -- I had not thought of it. And of course we, as women, must see that this does NOT happen. We are the repository of the growing seed, whether this is archetypal or a reality check; we simply must help mother nature sustain the integrity of her properties, her processes. I may not plant them, but this year, I am buying seeds and saving them against the day a corporation dares to say 'you cannot plant or reproduce without the corporation.' Thank you all for being here and being wise and generous! May the New Year bless each of you most particularly. Kay Frances Scott, conceptual artist

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