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From: Martine D.
Date: Monday, January 1, 2007, 3:53 AM
Subject: GM Foods and Suicide Seeds
Reply to: 257788
ID: 255297

I really thank all of you for sharing this important matter (subject) with all of us.

We women, we have to protect the earth and our children's earth, and

our grandchildren's earth:

Soil or land, whatever you call the earth in english or american


Here below are the webpages to get inforamtion about the organic

seeds in Canada.

It is important for the earth, ourselves and our children that we

share all those informations.

It's high time that each of us, cares for his own nutrition.

and teach the others how to do so.

I have the intuition,a nd I believe that when the 'sacred

scritptures' are speaking of the 'tree of Knowledge' ( Arbre de la Connaissance)

i Don't know the correct traduction in english, That in fact, the

scriptures were speaking of the 'Tree of Science' and the

misundertsnding, mis-application, misuse, 'abuse' of science and

scientific knowledge to our daily life.

When discoveries are used in a bad way (wars, Intensive culture to

make bigger benefits and not respecting the earth, or animals, or

Populations's real healthy needs ) - Then the 'Sacred Knowledge' is

misused by Man in general.

Then it's A rationalist point of view ( Short minded) whithout the

wise vision ( long sighted) of respecting the earth we are living on.

Happy to be connected with wise women....

Martine - Tenerife - Philosphy WomanHooD

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