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From: Indigo S.
Date: Thursday, January 11, 2007, 1:39 PM
Subject: National Call In Day:Peace Action and Amnesty
ID: 255470

Thank You Susmita ! That fits in perfectly with what we have been 
learning. I will pass it on.

Bettye, you have awed me again, with this wonderful sharing. We are 
indeed powerful ! Let us all remember this. If it were not so, there 
would not have been uninterrupted campaigns over the past 10-14,000 
years, brainwashing us into a state of forgetfullness. 

There are solutions to the crisis and all that they ask is our 
creative and compassionate response. Let us be light bearers today.
I have received a request to pass on this information. It is a 
national call in day, where all are asked to phone our 
representatives in congress and the senate. 
This action is sponsored by Amnesty and Peace Action. Many other 
groups are synchronizing their efforts with them. One call to each 
representative is enough. Peace Action asks us:

"On the fifth anniversary of that dark day, we say: No More! 

Hundreds of peace and justice activists will be risking arrest to 
deliver the names of Guantanamo prisoners into the judicial system in 
Washington D.C. today, January 11, 2007. We ask you to support them 
and help us bring our nation back to the side of humanity, justice 
and the rule of law.

Call your members of Congress through the Capitol switchboard at 202-
224-3121 and demand that 
• Guantanamo Bay prison be closed; 
• all detainees there be either charged and tried, or released; 
• torture and all other forms of cruel, inhuman, and degrading 
treatment by the U.S. military, the CIA, prison guards, civilian 
contractors, or anyone else, be clearly and unequivocally forbidden.

It is incredible but true: not a single prisoner at Guantanamo has 
been charged, tried or convicted of any crime. Many prisoners have 
been released because no evidence has been found against them, yet 
more than 430 people continue to languish in indefinite detention 
without hope of release, fair trial, or even a hearing on the charges 
against them Fear and desperation mark their confinement. The 
prisoners have resorted to hunger strikes as a way of protesting 
their treatment, and many have attempted suicide.

We cannot claim to be a just or humane society while our government 
abandons all accepted standards of justice and law, both our own and 
international law.

Please call your members of Congress today through the Capitol 
switchboard at 202-224-3121. Demand that Guantanamo Bay prison be 
closed; that all detainees there be either charged and tried or 
released; and that torture and all other forms of cruel, inhuman by 
any agent or employee of the U.S. government or armed forces be 
clearly and unequivocally forbidden."
This is very important.

Amnesty asks us to do the same, as well as :

"Sign the America I Believe In pledge and pass it on to your friends 
and family.

Every day that the Guantánamo Bay detention facilities remain open is 
another day when the United States of America broadcasts to the world 
its utter lack of respect for the most basic human rights principles.

Amnesty International was the first to call for the closure of the 
detention facilities at Guantanamo, please add your voice to the 
emerging consensus and end this shameful chapter in the name of 
fighting the “war on terror”. Because the America I believe in would 
close Guantanamo Bay."
This call in will continue throughout the week and will be ongoing 
until all demands are met. 

It coincides with petition signing,letter campaigns, marches, 
demonstrations, street theatre, rallies and organized acts of 
nonviolent civil disobedience. The movement for peace unleashed its 
own surge last night. The momentum is growing and the movement is 

Key dates of National and International Action, are January 11
(today), January 27-29.

I will post February and March as I receive them.
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