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From: Yahoo D.
Date: Tuesday, January 23, 2007, 1:42 PM
Subject: [templeuniversal] Vedanta and psychological expan
ID: 255587

Swami Atmalokananda, what you're saying seems to be the essence of what's going to happen once we open this Vedantic system to the West. The challenge for American Vedanta will be opening itself emotionally, in a heart-felt way to other traditions. In fact, you're already doing this up in Michigan, etc. So I know you talk from experience and I admire that. You're putting the principles into practice.

For me, the beauty of this Vedanta is that it actually encourages a person to do precisely this. Of course, until now, as a movement, we've been more or less isolated from this process of personal expansion simply because the Vedanta Societies are largely isolated from this expansive process. No doubt, we participate in ecumenical meetings, etc., and this is nice. But it really doesn't challenge the mind in the way you speak of.

Well, that's one of my ideas for a Temple Universal, where the world's religions are strongly represented in shrines which surround the inside of the temple. Ministers, Rabbis, Priests, Native American shamans, Mullahs, and all others will be welcome to speak and share the particular genius of their religious approach. In this way, the external expressions of Vedanta can grow and become ever-more relevant to the modern world.

No doubt, the mind is multifaceted. The more it's challenged with higher motifs and ideals, in all likelihood, the more it will grow productively, as long as it has a sound metaphysics in the background. The danger is that if a sound metaphysics and psychology is removed the whole thing melts into a gooey eclecticism or a confusing syncretism that confuses the mind all the more. We become part of the "New Age."


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