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From: Bill M.
Date: Wednesday, January 24, 2007, 6:03 PM
Subject: VHHS Reunion 2008 --- Help
ID: 255603

Hi gals,

As you know we are organizing a joint VHHS 50-year reunion for classes '56, '57, '58, '59, and '60. I'm looking for a little help and was wondering if one or two of you would like to serve as class coordinator(s) for the class of '60. This would involve inputting the names of your fellow classmates into our website database, and then helping to keep that database current.

I already have helper-bees working on '58 and '59, and some folks lined up to help with '56 and '57, but still need someone (or two) to help out with '60.

Soooooo ... if any of you are interested helping with this, just send me an email and I'll contact you with the details. It's actually a lot of fun!

Thanks much,

Bill Miller Winter '59

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