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From: SĀ“ace G.
Date: Friday, January 26, 2007, 10:00 AM
Subject: Integral One
Reply to: 258120
ID: 255624

nothing is wrong?

i read a book a few weeks ago with the experiences of a clairvoyant person ...

she is asked for many gatherings ... even visited by "statesman"

the good thing of life is that in the end everything will be right and as it ought to be ... if that is with people like us or without people like us ... we cannot predict ... i as a medium see to it that we are a part of it all ...

i experience lots of souls lost on things as "matter" and "ego" ... it causes relation-experienced-pain ... separations. the good thing is that pain can be dissolved by living together with and through it and more often be open to the nature of things as melting glaciers and dying penguins ... and springtime too.

the false thing is that there is security of loss and fear mediated ... :: let us understand what our roots tell ...


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