Gather the Women Global Matrix From: Gloria Willingham(toure')
Date: Monday, February 12, 2007
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A gracious "good morning" to each of you. This is my first posting having only recently registered in this wonderful site. I am actively involved in several groups all concerned with the often untapped potential of women and girls locally, nationally, and worldwide. I have inserted a "brief synoposis" of each below. I am looking forward to learning with, and from, each of you and to creating active online conversations with you. It is my hope that we can support each other in our respective efforts, and in so doing come to feel the power of connection, and the spirit of making a difference! I look forward to hearing more about your work.

1. The Village P.r.o.j.e.c.t.s is a project group concerned primarily with reducing the health and education disparities so often seen in African-American and West African Immigrant communities. We work through the creation of small grassroots villages of support. Although we work primarily with African-Americans, and West African Immigrants to the United States, our model is available for review and possible replication in other groups. The Village P.r.o.j.e.c.t.s creates networks with women from all ethnic groups as a means of expanding its villages of support efforts in the communities experiencing disparities. (see for additional information). Email:

2. AframGlobal Organization working very hard to assure that persons residing in Guinea, West Africa know their human rights. This small, resource-rich country has one of the poorest populations in the world. Women are suffering on a daily basis and sometimes that suffering occurs under the guise of 'being normal life.' Aframglobal Organization seeks to expose that guise, to show the reality, as a means of preparing the people for a better life. This organization works through grassroots, often oral, communication systems in Guinea, West Africa and connects with Guineans living across the world. Guinean women and others in Francophone West Africa are invited to join this effort as communicators of human rights information from the most urban areas to the deepest bush. (see for additional information). Email:

3. The Worldwide Network for Gender Empowerment (WNGE) is a virtual network of people from various parts of the world. WNGE was founded as a means of connecting scholars and activists from around the world who otherwise would never have the opportunity to meet each other or to learn from and with each other. Please visit the website: and click into the tab labeled "Worldwide Network For Gender Empowerment" for additional information. WNGE appreciates that much good work is being done worldwide in small and remote areas by women and others who are isolated from each other but who could benefit from the virtual support and sharing of information with each other.

I am very exciting about the possibilities of "Gather The Women." It is my dream that perhaps one day we can all meet each other face to face.

Gloria J. Willingham(Toure')