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From: Sharon M.
Date: Monday, February 12, 2007, 10:23 AM
Subject: Introducing myself
ID: 255882

Greetings everyone:

It was suggested that I join the list, and also tell you a bit about myself as a new member.

I have been involved with women's groups since the late 80s (that's when it all began to happen). On another post I'll share a story from a chapter I wrote called "Tales of the Goddess.." (it's posted on my website under the "women's development" section. There is a significant story about synchronicity with the Earth Goddess--in terms of a big response.

Without going into detail in this introductory email, I'd like to say that healing and empowering women is perhaps the most important thing we can be doing at this time. I truly believe that if our world/humanity is to survive, that it will be as a result of women's involvement in all arenas of politics, religion, etc.

For the last three years (actually since 9/11) I have worked on a book titled, The Root of All Evil: An Exposition of Prejudice, Fundamentalism and Gender Imbalance. In short, it is an expose of patriarchy. It demonstrates exactly why women are needed. Rather than going into detail here, I'd like to suggest you go to the book's website

Because of world-wide political threats, and the involvement of the religions from the Middle East, namely Judaism, Christianity and Islam, I invited an Egyptian Muslim/Sufi woman (an Anthropologist from Egypt), an Israeli Jewish woman, and an American New Age Jewish woman to join in. The last woman, Jenny, joined us for the Epilogue (and missed out on all the research and heavy writing), as she also had a story to tell.

So I'm a mother (of 3), grandmother (of 5), great-grandmother (of 4). I also have a black belt in Aikido.

I look forward to knowing more about your.

Warmly, Sharon

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