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From: Mary B.
Date: Sunday, February 18, 2007, 4:51 PM
Subject: New Book and IWD cards
ID: 256007

Greetings all you wonderful women out there. It's been a long time since I visited this site or talked to many of you. Just a word to say that I have a new book of poetry out called She is Carved in Stone. The first poem is the one Ann Rosemary Conway read in Victoria last June at the North American Gather the Women Peace Congress, called: The River of the Moon. Those who were there may remember it.

I also have Happy International Women's Day cards for sale. Please e- mail me at for a picture of them, or more information about price etc. It's a great way to honor important women in your life, community or country. Time is short to get your order in and for me to get them back out to you in time to send out for March 8th. But those who receive them are always so appreciative.

Blessings, Mary

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