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From: Bettye J.
Date: Saturday, February 24, 2007, 11:07 AM
Subject: Sharing my latest ventures
ID: 256105

I want to share my latest adventures into the unknown. I have been having a delightful time exploring new avenues of promoting my book Secrets of the Magdalene Scrolls. It is making known the unknown for me. I am so very blessed to have the support of family and a network of friends and supporters. I have two new adventures. As background, I want to acknowledge my son Ken Brown who created the cover for Secrets of the Magdalene Scrolls and my granddaughter Myriah Brown who took the photo of me that is on the 1st edition. Now, my eldest granddaughter Mindy Easton created a short - less than 2 minutes - video of me promoting my book and it can now be viewed on YouTube! Mindy and her husband Aaron are developing their promotion company BravoView Productions. Please share this YouTube video with your friends and family. My second adventure is into having my own talk radio show. My intention is to expand this in the future by having people on that I interview. It is exciting and the title of my showis Bettye's Bag of Pearls. I will be sharing my 'pearls' of wisdom and some experiences I have had. The next show is February 28, 11 A.M. - PST. The title for this segment is: The Law of Attracting What You Want. If you can't tune in at that time,it is archived and can be accessed. The show is free and if you want to use the phone to call in and talk to me, then it will cost you the long distance charges. If not, then I can be accessed by using the IMmessenger on Internet. This goes out all over the world.

I will also be talking again on March 10 at 11 A.M. - PST. The title of this show is Mary Magdalene: New Revelations. During this segment I will share what I havelearned from writing Secrets of the Magdalene and new revelations from the research I am doing in writing the sequel, titled The Legacy of Mary Magdalene.

It is never too late to follow one's dream. Future segments will be about the greatness of women.

I also invite you to visit my website and click on my blog. My latest is a salute to Black History.

Bettye Johnson

"Life is like a tapestry. A chance meeting can lead to a beautiful new thread. We are weaving our individual tapestry with each choice we make." - Secrets of the Magdalene Scrolls

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