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From: Starr* S.
Date: Wednesday, February 28, 2007, 10:49 PM
Subject: The Divinity Within -remember 8 March 2007
ID: 256172

Beloved Members of the Tahirih Thealogy Empowerment Group, Gather The Women Matrix, and Friends

I am enclosing The Love Corp Newsletter for Jan/Feb 2007. As you will see it supports what Tahirih has been teaching us about the unity and equality of the divine and your own divine nature encoded in your DNA. Balancing is the key to survival in the new Cycle.

Also, I will be bringing to your attention the message of the Hathors being received through Tom Kenyon who have given us the “Holon of Balance, the Octahedron”. We are to put this holon around us for balancing the transforming energies within ourselves that the Love Corp message mentions (Lie flat on the base of two pyramids, one above and one below for balancing).

With Living Love, Tahirih-Starr*

January/February 2007 Newsletter


Christ Jesus through Virginia Essene

Dear ones of the Love Corps and all beings of goodwill around the world,

It is a joyous time once again to greet you with the love of the heavenly realms and assist you in releasing the busyness of life by opening your minds and hearts in quietude and gratitude to our Mother/Father Creator. Then I ask you now to focus on your own soul’s sacred residence inside this physical body you presently wear and deliberately begin to relax your body. Yes, deliberately relax by taking several deep breaths and begin to feel any tension drain away. Since your relaxation assists those of us in the spiritual realms to more easily join you in sharing these blessed moments of communication, please receive a showering of gold and silver ray energies as our celestial embrace and allow yourself to remember and expand the higher consciousness your human family was created to enjoy.

In this exquisite sharing of heaven’s salutation, feel your sacred self join in the blissful reunion with what was, what is, and what always be… your identity as a creation of wisdom and love. Accept the glow of spiritual remembrance and thank the Father/Mother of the Cosmos who has given you eternal identity in consciousness.

As I have mentioned previously, while I was embodied on Earth I always began my own prayers in salutation to the Creator in this way:

“Oh Birther! Father-Mother of the Cosmos…” and I highly recommend using this or a similar prayer to the Creator or God rather than saying: “Our Father which art in heaven.” Of course you can phrase your prayerful greeting to the Creator in whatever way you wish, providing you can deeply mean your words and feel them in your soul. For me, the Aramaic language, which I used when addressing the Creator, is a very fluid one and allows for many-layered heartfelt expressions. Thus people then and now could begin their prayerful salutation with any sincerely felt acknowledgment of gratitude from their heart to this awesome parent.

If you do not prefer my own greeting, as mentioned, then use “Oh Father-Mother of Eternal Creation,” or anything similar that allows you to honor God yet also lets you feel connected to its magnificence.

The point is to see the vastness of creation outside your limited sensory capacity and not be limited to your physical body’s viewpoint of life on this planet. Fortunately, you are being aided in this more universal comprehension of the cosmos by the Hubble telephotos now being taken out in the far reaches of space…and by your astronauts’ experiences beyond Earth’s boundaries.

Again, I strongly recommend this kind of universal salutation to God for two reasons. First, the Creator is both what you call masculine/assertive and feminine/intuitive. Therefore, the nature of God is not just that of a father figure but also that of a mother. It both creates and supportively nurtures life in many ways, in innumerable realms beyond your imagining. Life, once born, is never abandoned which is difficult for you to comprehend on Earth because you have too few models of physical mothers and fathers whose joint commitment provides the nurturance about which I speak.

Kindly remember what I have repeated to you many times. CREATION IS A UNIFIED PARTNERSHIP and not a single focus on one quality to the exclusion of others. All its qualities are indivisible and essential. They simply are an intertwined unity.

Therefore, those human persons in the male body who design prayers that only honor a masculine entity are deliberately or foolishly ignoring the truth of creation. From this error, some females have had to respond to this imbalance as a cry for the feminine qualities to be included again, which you are seeing in your own generations.

Whether you have recognized it or not, there were many past civilization where the women were the major bodies of power. In many of these times and places the women’s control was a blessing to the planet’s and humanity’s equilibrium…while in other cases, their control was not ideal. Therefore, the issue today is not exclusively male vs. female or female vs. male. The issue is how can each human of both genders evolve into the perfect balance of male-female within themselves so the necessity of war will cease?

At your dimension, certainly, where these essential qualities appear to be separated into two physical genders, you face great challenges and opportunities to find this spiritual balance. Nonetheless, a truly well-lived spiritual life could be expressed either by creating male-female partnerships in which a wonderful balance is achieved and expressed—or by a single individual who learns to balance both the male and female aspects of creation within himself or herself so it can be shared with others.

Ultimately, of course, when all human individuals can bring their own inner union between male and female qualities into one composite identity it will be possible to create the condition into which humanity is being lead—that of Community Christhood.

That is why I said long ago that greater things would you do IF YOU BELIEVED AS I DID.

My belief then, and now, is that love and compassion are an indelible part of creation which is why I focused on the teachings of love and forgiveness to help heal your negative energies so you could be made whole again. Indeed, it is from that state of wholeness that you could safely relate to your brothers and sisters as a family of light.

It is why, as you look around the world with its many wars and inhumanities, that my basic message of love and forgiveness remains so fertile and essential today. Yet I have been adding additional information to that message for the past 20 years especially since you now have the technology to see a tiny portion of what lies beyond your limited human sensory experience. Yes, dear hearts, with scientific/technical instruments you are now able to literally observe a small part of the enormity of what lies beyond you in the universe.

Starting with the New Teachings book in 1986 my teaching comments expanded from your tiny biblical record of who I AM and what I shared with humanity in those days to a present glimpse of who I really am. Your records tell you very little about my physical life and my teachings, as you must be aware. That is why I come again to all human hearts to remind you of the enormous and awesome power called God who has created the omniverses and universes and who has given your soul an eternal spiritual identity at its birthing. Yes, beloveds, an identity that still resides within your being to help you follow your evolutionary road into higher vibratory residences…PROVIDED YOU MAINTAIN AN ENERGY SIGNATURE OF PURITY AND LOVE.

More than ever I intend to continue sharing the message of love and forgiveness which are not needed in our higher heavenly frequencies but which are required in your own presently dense vibratory thought forms and energy registrations. It is my constant intention to help you comprehend that the power given your soul at its creation out in the universes, beyond Earth, still exists out there yet also presently resides at the very core of your being.

That is why your salutation to the Creator needs to express a second aspect beyond your gratitude for its gift of life. Your prayer needs to acknowledge that within your devotion, you absolutely trust that you hold an essence, an identity that is still a part of that grandeur beyond Earth. I recommend that you continue to hold the Creator’s omnipotency, omnipresence and omniscience very clearly in your heart and mind so that you acquire a far greater breadth in your thinking—and description—about this Eternal One. The word Father is just too limited in terms of the galaxies and worlds that exist beyond your tiny area. Even the word Cosmos is just a linguistic attempt to describe the Creator’s enormous power, which is why I used the salutation I recommend to you.

Let us repeat my prayer together now just to familiarize you with a broader understanding of the All That Is. “Oh Birther! Father-Mother of the Cosmos.” Let’s say it again. “Oh Birther! Father-Mother of the Cosmos.”

Kindly close your eyes and notice how you feel inside when greeting God in this way. Do you sense an inner expansion about your understanding and appreciation for the Creator with these words? Naturally, if you wish to pray in the old way, it is your choice. Yet I recommend that if you do pray with the word Father, add the word Mother after it. Be as expansive as you can. Indeed, when looking into the dark night sky illuminated with a cascade of stars and planets, try to imagine the enormous magnitude of wisdom and love combined into one unit capable of creating and organizing that myriad of life substances and forms.

If your greeting, or prayer, is not “Oh Birther! Father–Mother of the Cosmos,” please pick whatever words that let you feel and identify God’s enormity in your heart. Choose whatever salutation that allows a visceral recognition of its incredibleness and yet retains your sacred relationship with it. For you do possess its gift of spiritual wisdom and love today whenever you remember and choose to use those qualities.

Then let your prayer be an empowering prayer—not one of personal egotism, of course —but one that says: “I remember the wisdom, beauty and love you used to bring my soul forth into life eternal and I intend to use it here and now with as much wholeness and gratitude as possible.”

So before you begin taking those seven breaths we so often practice together to deepen your body’s relaxation level, I request that henceforth you actually say a prayer of salutation to the Creator—like those mentioned above—before beginning the actual breathing process.

Moreover, I especially suggest that you commit to saying your “Prayer with Breathing” process several times each day—and most especially when you are feeling stressed! Please honor this “Prayer with Breathing” as a kind of antidote to the harried life many people are leading, yet realize it is not a substitute for a longer 15-20 minute daily meditation encouraged by all spiritual teachers in these days of enormous challenge and change!!

For newcomers to the newsletter I have frequently mentioned in earlier messages that linear time is vanishing and your body is coping with having to shift its frequency essence into a higher vibrational identity…some might say into an etheric form that is becoming more luminescent. The urgent message we are bringing everyone is that YOUR BODY CANNOT DO AS MUCH PHYSICAL ACTIVITY AS IT USED TO DO DURING A 24-HOUR TIME SPAN. IT DESPERATELY NEEDS MORE RELAXATION FROM THE INCREASING BUSYNESS OF TECHNOLOGICAL LIFE IN ORDER TO KEEP YOU SAFE FROM PHYSICAL HEALTH PROBLEMS.

Why? Because the many energy influences bombarding your bodies from Sun flares, photon belts, cosmic rays and light waves are intended to help shift humanity into higher dimensions of consciousness. As best we can presently calculate, most people’s bodies need at least 4 more hours of daily rest and quiet time in order for the body to healthily shift its DNA and cellular construct.

This means that if you sleep 8 hours, work 8 hours, eat good food, get enough fluids, exercise, meditate and spend what you call “quality time” with friends and family, that is just about all your body can do during what you presume is a day composed of 24 linear hours. Why? Because it is receiving higher energy frequencies that have to be cellularly integrated and brought into a new mixture of balanced light infusion to help you fulfill a higher, divine purpose… while preventing bodily breakdown.

Therefore, it is urgent you become more judicious in your choice of activities, perhaps selecting good music rather than watching uninspiring TV programs, being in nature when possible, reading inspirational and helpful literature, meditating, and generally making mature choices about your use of decreasing linear time.

Beloveds, your multi-tasking life activities are definitely not in your body’s best physical health or your soul’s highest spiritual interests! To put it simply, most people today only have the equivalent of about 20 linear clock hours (or less) each day in which the body can complete life’s many varied activities and still do the great task of shifting itself into a more luminescent state.

Kindly re-read what I just said and know it is critical advice.

Now read it once again!

Indeed, if you do not honor the body’s need for more rest, the consequence of your thoughtless demand “to do more” activities will only bring undue stress and possible pain and suffering from ill health. Humanity is at a powerful and profound turning point now. Please be aware of what I have said for many years. LINEAR TIME IS VANISHING BY SHIFTING INTO A HIGHER FREQUENCY.

This incoming influence of solar flares, photon belts, and new light rays and waves began affecting Earth very limitedly about 1985-87, a time period you termed Harmonious Convergence. Some others called it the Age of Aquarius or a new Golden Age. You knew something was happening but had little idea it would mean work for your physical bodies and a need to quickly shift your own higher consciousness by examining and releasing the negative thoughts and feelings contained within your mind and emotions.

Many people thought then, and still assume, that this evolutionary shift would just happen on its own without any human effort, but I assure you this is not the case! Each human personality who wishes to attain residence in a more rarified state of compassion and love must learn to utilize the gift which the many different energy frequencies and vibrations contain to help you release negativity at all levels And these incoming cosmic powers dramatically affect your experience of time, requiring that you make wise choices in using what time that still seems to exist. You are being required to achieve a state of physical, emotional and spiritual cleansing in balanced proportion.

Dear ones, DO NOT ABUSE YOUR BODY AT THIS CRITICAL TIME. Because you have free will choice, we cannot save you from the errors of pursuing beliefs and poor choices that debilitate your body’s health. Too many light servers and the general population are becoming ill and even dying unnecessarily these days. Many people are forcing their bodies to continue working when they really need to relax from the intense pace of a technological multi-tasking life and just experience more joy and spiritual comradeship.

As I have said before, this is the time of COMMUNITY CREATIVITY… a time to learn to cooperate in groups and achieve wonderful, joyful time-saving results. Learning this cooperative creative way of life will guarantee more personal time at home in which to attain the balance of healthy living during these shifting energy times.

Having outlined once again what I continue to share in your best interests, please look at the content of your daily, weekly and monthly activities so you can analyze your present schedule and begin making whatever changes you know should be made. This requires discipline—so be a good disciple in your own best interest and begin balancing your life activities to protect and serve your own precious physical, mental and emotional needs.

Then, beloveds, to assist you in staying focused on God, and your own soul or higher self truth, I offer you this suggested daily practice to help you establish more balance in your thoughts and emotions by daily use of this “Prayer-Breathing” de-stressor. (For those of you who been with me before, this is just one simple addition to the 7-breath activity we have previously shared.)

Please remember that our primary goal here is to have you in as much constant thought and feeling toward the Creator as possible. This creates a constant protection should anything dangerous come upon you unexpectedly. What better thought to have in an emergency than one of God?

As your guides, angels and I stand with you during this breathing process, please notice whether you can sense our energy with you during your prayer to the Creator and with each of the seven breaths you take. And always remember that when you call to the Creator’s name with true sincerity, YOU ARE NEVER ALONE. This is a celestial truth you can count on. Of course the more frequently you are habituated to some process that assures your connection, the better, and it doesn’t have to be this particular practice if something else is already established that you use daily.

Now quiet your mind and let us begin this prayer.

First…Acknowledge the Creator with a short salutation of some kind that indicates you remember who you really are and that you are far more related to creation than your present physical body allows you to remember. You may use “Oh Birther! Father-Mother of the Cosmos,” or any other statement you prefer. (See my earlier suggestions if this is not comfortable.) Decide on a salutation you like and be consistent with it for at least a week to see if it is easily and quickly remembered.

Breath 1…State your salutation to God either aloud or within your thoughts. Now inhale deeply and serenely… hold the breath to the end of your comfort level… then take a relaxing exhale. Pause until ready for your next comfortable salutation or prayer to the Creator. Set whatever pace feels appropriate to your mood and need.

Breath 2…Offer the same salutation to the Creator and then continue to inhale deeply and serenely. Hold the breath and then take a relaxing exhale the same deliberate way…

Breath 3…Continue to pray and breathe in the same sincere way…

Breath 4…Continue to pray and breathe in the same sincere way…

Breath 5…Continue to pray and breathe in the same sincere way…

Breath 6…Continue to pray and breathe in the same sincere way…

Breath 7…Continue to pray and breathe in the same sincere way and then pause to rest in a deeper state of awareness.

Please continue this process beyond breath 7 for as long as you wish without even counting. Then relax as long as you desire. Only when you are truly ready to continue reading this message should you do so!

Now, beloveds, since I have indicated the nature of your Creator as being profoundly universal and cosmic yet caring and supportive, which I acknowledge in my own prayer, it must be obvious that there is more to know about God, and the Cosmos to which you belong, that is not presently found in the current Christian bible. This tragedy has placed those who proclaim to be my followers in a state of massive ignorance regarding how the universe operates and what the content of life on billions of galaxies has created and supported over eons of time and non-time.

Consequently, it has been my intention—since the 1986 release of my book called New Teachings for an Awakening Humanity—to bring humanity into a greater understanding of 21st Century life, of God, and of human responsibilities while living in a dense physical world.

This current intention to bring spiritual values and scientific knowledge into a harmonious understanding only makes my teachings regarding love and forgiveness, which have always been my consistent message, increasingly imperative. So, beloveds, I ask you to share with other people whatever information touches your own awareness with truth today—from me and others—so humanity can be assisted in understanding who they really are and what their responsibilities are.

Because modern technology has made such rapid strides, partly based on information secured from certain alien species, some powerful persons enjoy technological knowledge today that their personality selves cannot yet be trusted to use constructively. This is another reason why I continue to stress the need for healing all personality issues based on fear and its many concomitant expressions such as anger and hostility Without inner examination of one’s egotistical state in order to create a newly prepared garden in which to plan the seeds of love, humanity will continue to commit the tragedies you observe every day.

Over these many past generations we of heaven continue to teach you the ways of love and forgiveness, of compassion and integrity, of living the noble path. Indeed, dear ones, the application of these holistic principles of behavior remain your primary tools for attaining personal and group cooperation…and evolution into higher realms of consciousness.

We are concerned that some governments now have weapons that can be used to destroy the beneficial course of human evolution that spirit desires for you. Merely look around the world and take responsibility for what is happening in many countries—including your own. Look at what fear—the opposite of love—has done to the integrity of many citizens worldwide.

Now let me state a message intended for every human being who professes to honor the name of Jesus or Jeshua to consider. And I mean no disrespect to anyone when I state the truth that your present day bibles are incomplete and in some cases actually erroneous. That is not to say they lack value. There have basic truths and important guidance for daily living.

However, since bibles are very much historical documents there must be some way to view its past information and guidance within your current life experience so you can cooperate with the state of consciousness presently being provided to take the human family into higher heavenly realms. For you are evolving! Therefore you need a living teaching to help you make this current evolutionary shift with open minds and hearts. It is our opinion that you can amalgamate some of the older material with the critical new scientific information learned in your present generations so that you can fully understand and appreciate the importance of certain biblical teachings.

This seeming conflict, or lack of compatibility between past teachings in the Middle East and your present experience, occurs because you are told every word in the bible is true. You are asked to believe every word is true at the very same time you are seeing astronauts in space and man-made machines visiting other planets. For many people this represents a conundrum. Where is the truth to be found? What are you to believe?

Because biblical information in the Middle East does not include important earthly and human events preceding the Old Testament, which has been shared in earlier Asian doctrines and history, how can a Christian who believes totally in the bible as the word of God look elsewhere for needed spiritual information without being made to feel guilty or even traitorous? How can you be free to explore other ideas and scientific principles that need to be integrated with what you term spiritual.

Just as the male and female issues of balance and cooperation remain unresolved, so too do science and spiritual issues need a combined relationship explained in language your current generations can presently understand.

One example of what the Christian bible lacks in terms of galactic information can be found in the teachings of other religions. For example, as long as 5-10,000 years ago the Hindu and Tibetan spiritual science teachers in Asia were able to understand general truths about your local universe and many quite specific details about the way your own Milky Way galaxy operated.

They could especially describe the galaxy’s spiraling activities in terms of energy cycles and how these energies affected life during many different epochs, eras, and time periods. They explained how those long cyclical energies influenced your solar system and planet earth. They retained ancient knowledge about life as energy in the galaxy and also life as energy inside the body. For many thousands of years that truth was organized into health systems and practices helpful to keep the body well—knowledge generally not known by your ancestors in Europe who were very much in the dark ages.

Indeed, it is only recently, in the past 600-700 years in Europe, that some people were at all knowledgeable about the solar system and its energy effects on earth and humanity. Think how Copernicus and other scientific wise ones, who dared to use telescopes to bring forth new ideas, were treated. Of course in those days Europeans couldn’t actually see much beyond the solar system into your galaxy with their telescopes and they had no TV and radio for the public to use in providing proof that the earth circled the sun and that the earth was not the center of everything.

This is so very different from knowledge your present generations have today with your TV and updated scientific equipment such as the Hubble telescope and manned flight programs that can actually show humanity what some distant cosmic activities are doing.

In the same way that wise Asian spiritual-scientists were describing the importance of the cosmos to life on Earth long ago they were also identifying the human body’s subtle energy fields with its chakras and meridians and cellular functions that Western civilization has yet to truly embrace and utilize. Even in America you are slow to learn and apply what your genome project has recently started to discover… that your body is a very intricate, well-designed and evolved “spiritual space suit.”

Whereas the wise ones of ancient Asia could intuit that your body is made up of more than 100 trillion cells, each one of which contains billions of atoms, each atom like a small solar system of its own with proportionate spacing between them—it is only recently in your current cultures that you have learned this knowledge. It is the same with the recent genetic information in America, and elsewhere, that can only now describe each person’s body having 24 different chromosomes with 2 in each cell, except in some homosexual differentiations.

Today your scientists are finally learning that each so-called “set” of the 24 chromosomes has over 3 billion base pairs or letters that make up a code, or language. This code is so enormous that the information it holds is longer than 200 telephone directories each 500 pages long. And this is only one of the 24 sets in each of the 100 trillion cells in your body! Your cells could be said to operate on nanosecond time but of course it is far faster than that and its true identity still remains to be identified and understood by humanity.

Beloveds, if the entire DNA code in your body, with its many twists and turns, could be put end to end it would reach far beyond the Sun and back 600-700 times. So in every sense of the word your body is full of space, and if I may make a humorous observation, you are literally a kind of “walking space craft.”

Yes, you are a living organic vehicle in which your atoms come together to form molecules, which create galaxies of a sort, so you are walking universes inside this skin and bones you temporarily call home. Humanity’s present challenge, then, is to understand and appreciate the physical universe’s role in the development of human consciousness, and then to use your material form to reach ever greater heights of spiritual awareness.

I remind you that other new genetic discoveries propose that your human DNA is about 98% identical to that of a chimpanzee and about 50% identical to that of a little round worm. Moreover, each human being is 99.8 to 99.9 % genetically identical to every other human being, with only your outer cosmetic appearance of skin, hair, eyes and gender in variation! This implies that every so-called stranger’s DNA identity is nearly as closely related to you as a member of your own immediate blood family—even though your limited sensory capability in eye sight and hearing can’t physically report this information to you. At this time in human experience, dear ones, only your heart and soul know this truth!

Regrettably, humanity’s present visual and auditory senses can report only 2-3% of the various energy forms that exist in and around you…all of which you need in order to gracefully survive…so for many people it must be by your free will choice, your compassion and love, that you begin to trust this oneness even when your eyes cannot see beneath the skin.

The fact that the present human eye can only see the surface of the physical body and not its interior DNA composition, limits your ability to relate in a caring manner with each other unless you go to the heart/soul energy connection and learn to listen to its message. This, dear hearts, is the continuing message that your many teachers, mentors, and angels bring you: BE STILL. LISTEN WITHIN TO YOUR SACRED HEART AND SOUL. Above all else, LOVE ONE ANOTHER!

The good news, that I and many others bring today, is that you are beginning a gradual energy shift within your physical body that may assist you to have a wider perceptive capacity in the future. In other words, the present time shift which I have previously explained in some depth can give you greater spiritual, auditory and/or visual perceptions with which to understand things you cannot physically see or hear. Because this is an extensive and vital topic I will naturally discuss it in greater depth at a future date.

Meanwhile, dear hearts, I hope I have made it absolutely clear that each human being is now going through an enormous energy downloading of high frequency energies that your body has never had any previous experience in balancing. All the more reason to carefully evaluate how your spend the lessening amount of your former 24 hour day because this increasing acceleration to shorten linear time will continue to influence your body, emotions and consciousness for some years to come.

Because it is still at a fairly gradual level of influence, if you can learn to establish a pattern of life that allows your body to joyfully utilize these energies now, it will greatly ease your spiritual path back into higher realms without undue pain and suffering.

This means you have to use your free will choices to understand what is happening and then deliberately and conscientiously choose to adapt your daily life style to support the body’s vital needs. It is to be cared for with both enormous gratitude and respect, and for the wise ones who will commit to their body’s support, it will graciously move you up into higher spheres of sound and light.

Yes, beloveds, when you are eventually able to utilize these higher frequencies with respect, understanding and commitment to the process, you will gain a new physical, emotional and spiritual stature that your soul has come to experience and share in this lifetime. Please be assured that you are moving into the constant energy need for community

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