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From: Yahoo D.
Date: Tuesday, March 6, 2007, 9:58 AM
Subject: Re: Greetings
ID: 256259

Working on that "Diet for a Hungry Mind" concept...

Will put an intro together soon for you to see for feedback...

--- In, "Swami Brahmavidyananda" 
> Forgive me for not responding right away, but have been absorbed in 
> thinking about a lecture I have to give in Santa Barbara. I think 
> it's clear in my head now.
> Books, books, books! That's my strong feeling as well. We 
> need them at this point in the American work. Or, it could be 
> booklets for that matter. According to the conditions set by 
> Lightning Source, which is my on-line print on demand source, a 
> manuscript from 48 to 103 pages constitutes a booklet, while 104 to 
> 740 pages constitutes a book. 
> Booklets are perhaps the best format at this point in time. Easy to 
> do, easy to read and easy to distribute. 
> Personally, I already have a bunch of booklets I designed some 
> ago from various lectures I've give. With a little editing and 
> suggestions I'm sure we could get them out as one resource for the 
> celebration of Vedantic ideas.
> There's a booklet on "The Four Yogas as a Universal Religion," 
> another on "Being and Becoming" "Fettered Will into Freedom" The 
> Gunas as the Mechanics of Transformation," etc., etc. 
> I suppose it would be a question of filling them in with other 
> suggestions in order to meet the 48 to 103 page criteria which 
> Lightning Source sets. 
> Brahmavid
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